
  • It Cost HOW Much?


    In case you don’t know, I do a daily show with my son, Matt, that you can find on YouTube. “The Pete Braley Show” is live at 8 a.m. and available on YouTube anytime after that. It’s a lot like my old radio show where we talk about stories I’ve found online or what’s happening…

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  • Fall Asleep In Two Minutes


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    This is the story we talked about on the show this morning. Here are the steps he suggests. To start, take some deep breaths and start relaxing each and every part of your body – from head to toe. Start by relaxing the muscles in your forehead. Relax your eyes, your cheeks, your jaw and…

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  • And They’re Back!


    January 23,2022 by Pete Braley Yes it’s true: They’re baaaack! What’s that, you ask? Well that would be the winter blues! I wasn’t here for the blues last year. I was still in Virginia Beach playing Grampnanny for my grandson Liam. Not that they have tropical winters and actually, they had 4 or 5 inches…

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  • Year End Thoughts On The New Show



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    Happy New Year friends!  It’s that time of the year where we look back on the past twelve months and review. It’s also time for the year end blog so I thought I’d combine them. This is the year we started the Pete Braley Show on YouTube and I just want to thank each and…

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  • I’m Actually Feeling Quite Alive


    I received a very interesting Facebook Message this week. One of the viewers/listeners to the Pete Braley Show told me that she was at Dollar Tree the other day and while she was talking with the cashier about something we do on the show, she mentioned my name. Let’s pick it up there, heres what…

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  • I Survived Being Unplugged


    Yes, the Sunday Column is coming to you on Monday. I couldn’t use my iPad yesterday. I survived being unplugged! This week on the show (“The Pete Braley Show,” weekdays at 8 a.m. or anytime on YouTube), I asked my son and co-host Matt if he thought I could go a weekend being unplugged. Without…

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  • Adapt and Adjust


    This is not exactly how we planned it. The plan was for me to come down to Virginia Beach to take care of my grandson once my daughter went back to work. It would give me something to do and I like to think it was easier for her to leave a, at the time,…

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