Raising Grampy
Raising Grampy- Chapter 24
Hi everyone! It’s me, Liam, just hanging out with Grampy. DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS? AND WHY DID IT TAKE 9 MONTHS FOR ME TO FIND OUT? It’s been another week of discovering stuff. The other day, mommy and daddy gave me some Ice Cream! It was UN-BE-LIEVE-ABLE! It was cold and creamy and yummy…
Raising Grampy- Chapter 21
Hi everyone! It’s me, Liam, just hanging out with Grampy. It’s been a busy week with so many things to discover! And there’s this one word that Grampy has been saying recently, actually there’s a lot of words the man says, he never stops! I just humor him though, in case he’s lonely. What is…
Raising Grampy- Chapter 20
Hi everyone! It’s me, Liam, just hanging out with Grampy. Well things are back to almost normal. Grammy and Uncle Matt and Aunty Kat are back on the FaceTime thing with me. Mommy is back at the bank and I think she has longer days now. Daddy is back at the Navy everyday. I guess…
Raising Grampy- Chapter 19
Hi everyone! It’s me, Liam, just hanging out with Grampy. Whew! Im tired! I had a week with my Grammy, Aunt, and Uncles that would knock anyone on their diapered butt. I did a lot and discovered a whole bunch of new things! It was good to be back home after going to Grammy’s house.…
Raising Grampy- Chapter 16
Hi everyone! It’s me, Liam, just hanging out with Grampy. It’s been another busy week. Grampy is doing fine but I’ve noticed he takes a lot of naps when he’s done taking care of me for the day. I wonder why? Last week it was my Uncle Dougie’s birthday. He got a great gift! I…
Raising Grampy- Chapter 13
Hi everyone! It’s me, Liam, just hanging out with Grampy. I hope you had a nice Easter. We did. I don’t why my mommy put all this stuff around me. That’s my bunny Fred. He has a mask on. I don’t know why. Grammy and Grampy gave me Fred. I guess Grampy went shopping right…
Raising Grampy- Chapter 12
Hi everyone! It’s me, Liam, just quarantining with Grampy. Ha! I learned that new word. I have no idea what it means but I learned it. I’m just hanging out, teaching the ole guy some baby stuff and helping to edit the blog. Grampy says someday I’ll be able to brag to my future cousins…
Raising Grampy- Chapter 11
Hi everybody! It’s me, Liam, just hanging out with Grampy. Not as much but still hanging out with the guy. It’s been weird the last few weeks. I like having mommy and daddy at home more but I have noticed that we don’t go out to many places. We haven’t gone to church so I…
Raising Grampy- Chapter 9
Hi everyone! It’s Liam, just hanging out with Grampy. Grampy came back! And he even brought Grammy for a few days! When last we met (Grampy tells me all the good shows use that line), Aunty Kat and Uncle Matt were coming down on their Spring Break to play with me and giving Grampy the…
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