The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Why Do We Do It To Ourselves?

I know I know—- there have been two other columns about my dog but this one’s from me. Wait a minute……..

As you may or may not know, our Beagle, Oscar, died last week. He had been sick so it was a blessing. Knowing that though doesn’t make it any easier.

Why do we do this to ourselves? I mean, why do we pet owners who go through this pain of losing a beloved pet …… go out and then get another one and go through it again? I remember one of our pets dying and my wife said, “I’ll never do this again. I can’t take it!” Six months later, there we were! I think it was when we got our golden.

I think the reason we put ourselves through it is the wonderful unconditional love they give us. No matter what we do or how many times we seem to screw things up …. there they are! Wagging their tails; happy to see us. It’s someone to hold when we’re at our lowest. Someone to jump up and down and dance with us when we’re happy!

Oscar, and Baxter, were both with me through the days and weeks of rehab and they let me pet them at night when I couldn’t sleep. They probably just wanted to go back to sleep themselves but didn’t seem to complain.

Josh Billings wrote: “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” Isn’t that true?

I think of Oscar at the strangest times. I was cooking the other night when I got some of the spices on the floor. No one came to lick that up. Baxter, our Golden, isn’t a fan of spices but Oscar would get it almost the same time it hit the floor.

Later I was loading the dishwasher and there was no need to rush. No one was coming to lick the plates or lick the silverware so aggressively that it fell out.

Yeah I miss the little guy. He knew all my deep dark secrets. Could’ve ratted me out a few times but always had my back.

We’ll probably have more dogs in the future, but each one has a place in our hearts. We look back and laugh focusing on the good days and trying to forget the sickness and the bad days.

We still feel the love they had for us and if we close our eyes….as we approach the door while returning home…we can hear that beagle howl….and see him in the window. Waiting to jump up…and then get a cookie.

8 responses to “Why Do We Do It To Ourselves?”

  1. Russ Chamberlain Avatar
    Russ Chamberlain

    Pete do not apologize for writing about Oscar for it is the part of the grieving process that we all should (but often do not because of our ” get over it quick society that we live in. If you can not fix it throw it away if there is noting you can do about it forget” Oscar was there for your recovery and so it may take longer to grieve his passing over the rainbow bridge. You are a great writer so write about him and share it for it just might help someone who is also grieving a loss of some one dear. I wrote a poem when my grandmother died but I never shared it because of our get over quick attitude of my family when it came to deaths in our family. One day a friend of mine saw it liked it and copied it without my permission. His father was a funeral home director and saw it on his coffee table and took it and made copies. Imagine my surprise when I went to a memorial service and saw it inside the folder. Did not know my name was anonymous. Well a few years later when my sister died I turned the poem into a song. You can hear if you go to you tube and searching for Russ Chamberlain. Well to make a long story short and the morale of the story is probably millions of people over the year have found comfort from the poem and now a song. So keep writing about Oscar and know at least one of your fans does not mind reading about you and him. You will know in the grief process when to stop writing about him. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you go through each day without your old buddy. If you need to process remember I always have 1 1/2 good ears and time to listen. 5087281489

  2. Anne Brachaud Avatar
    Anne Brachaud

    Pete an famiy,I loved Oscar and looked foward to his Wens stories, it was like looking at my beagle, Uno, who we lost a few years ago,perhaps Baxter could fill in for Oscar, I thought he did a good job on last week’s column. ❤❤

  3. Peg Britton Avatar
    Peg Britton

    HI Pete, Yes, I say the same thing …I can’t do this again….we have had 2 cats mostly at a time, but then you lose one and then you say never again …but then in a short time we are at the Rescue place looking for another cat :>)… and this last one is such a sweetheart, so we would have missed out on having him if we hadn’t gone to look for another feline !
    So Pete, enjoy the sweet Oscar memories and maybe some day you and Priscilla will want to make some new doggie memories :>).

  4. Betsy Firby Avatar
    Betsy Firby

    Each furry family member bring his or her own sweet personality to our lives and love us completely, unconditionally in their own way. It hurts horribly when they cross the bridge to heaven to join our human family and fur family waiting for them. Please remember that we all are keeping you in our prayers for comfort.

  5. Elly Mayo Avatar
    Elly Mayo


    1.  Avatar

      well said Pete….

  6. Dorothy Avatar

    Great article again .Everything you said is true .Baxter must miss his buddy also .Our dog passed 18 yrs andI still miss him .WE have a cat now and she is 18 .Easier for us now wit traveling back & forth to FLORIDA. I know it is going to be awful when we lose her .She is such a love and so spoiled .Hang in it will get better .

  7. Shannon Avatar

    I love you all so much. I’m terribly sorry for your loss, but he couldn’t have lived a better life. Your tributes to Oscar touch my soul. They’re just beautiful, Pete.

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