The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

What If God Calls?

The minister asked us this morning, “What will you do when God calls?” That got me thinking.

How will he call? And, will we answer the call?

If you think back to Jesus, he came on the scene the way people did things back then: going from town to town to spread the news. It’s a little different now.

Will God send a text?
God: Hello my child.
You: Who is this? Do I know you?

Will he call your cell?
Unknown number
I don’t answer those calls. It’s just telemarketing”

Maybe it will be a tweet on Twitter or a Facebook post. Can you imagine the comments?

“Just another kook from the Liberal Left trying to go viral!”

“Another diversion from the Trump followers so we won’t notice what’s REALLY going on. “

“The ultimate ‘God complex‘ here!”

“It’s a hoax! A total witch hunt!”

MSNBC, CNN and FOX will assemble a panel of “experts.” They will appear on a split screen and argue and talk over each other.

Some will say, “It’s incredible! It’s what we’ve been waiting for!”

Others: “You’re actually going to fall for this? Where did this person come from? You have to ask yourself, ‘What are his motives? Where does he stand on immigration? The border? Russia? Syria?‘”

“Is this just the Democrats coming up with a last-minute candidate because they’re panicking that none of the others can beat Trump?”

Will President Trump tweet, “God? Never heard of him. Where are his emails? Show me the emails. In my ultimate, all-knowing wisdom….loser!”

Will God go on The Tonight Show? Kimmel? The Late Show? Maybe Ellen?

I suppose it’s possible God will come to us in a dream, but then what do we do with that info?

My fear is that God calls us….. and we all think it’s Fake News.

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