The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

And Suddenly…It is Autumn!

I swear this happens every year: The calendar says “Autumn” but we’re still wearing short sleeves, no jacket and maybe even sneaking in a beach day.

And then….

The leaves start to change, then fall, and I’m walking by the beach in a hoodie pulled up over my ears.

And there’s usually a Nor’easter involved.

I was walking down by the beach on Sconticut Neck yesterday realizing that people were just on that beach a week or two ago.

Autumn is a favorite season for many around here. I kinda like it myself. Some people don’t like the heat, though I do. The colors of the foliage are still amazing no matter how many times you’ve seen them. And I must admit, sometimes it’s nice to feel a little chill in the air and smell a woodstove going.

Summer is still my favorite but I would put Autumn as a close second. I don’t really put much thought into spring because sometimes we don’t have one and it can still be pretty cold as we wait for the trees and flowers to bloom. And winter? Let’s not go there.

I was talking to a friend just the other day about how it’s really the month of March I have a problem with. We have the holidays in December, January you expect cold and ice, February usually brings snow and March is just a big ole tease. You get an occasional warm day, then it’s 34 degrees with freezing drizzle. For a week!

Have you seen those memes where we are cold in October when it’s 50 degrees but 50 degrees in March makes you want to call in sick and sun bathe in the back yard?

I bought an apple pie at the store this week. I know, I could have baked one myself but someone went to the trouble to do it for me. I don’t want them to feel unappreciated!

Priscilla is going to swap the clothes around today. Put away the shorts and bring out the sweaters. I kind of miss my soft, comfy flannels. And it’s been at least five months since I had my fleece vest covered in dog fur. At my house, the Lint Roller is a must. I need to always have one PLUS a backup. Maybe I could spread my vest out on the floor and just use the Roomba!

So here’s to Autumn! Go view the foliage on your way to pick apples with your pumpkin spiced latte while wearing your Ugg boots. Then sit by the wood stove while you think of who you’ll buy for this Christmas.

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