I was on Twitter the other day…which is a statement that usually precedes the latest conspiracy theory…when I noticed a posting on The Mindful Meditation. Think for a minute about how important that simple statement is. How often have you heard (usually from a busy person), “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” You often hear that…
Happy Fourth of July friends! And yes, it’s time to hug your dog, or cat. If the cat will let you. Fireworks have been a part of the July 4th holiday as long as any of us can remember. Yeah, the memes have been pretty funny but also very thought provoking. It can be hard…
I was on TikTok the other day while I was walking on the treadmill. (Say what you like but it helps the time go by.) In between the UFO reports, conspiracy theories and the shenanigans in Congress, a video of the Eagles doing the acoustic version of “Hotel California” came on and I thought, “What…
Why is summer so special for some of us? I say “some” because I know not everyone loves summer as much as I do. Many people prefer Fall, some Spring and the occasional oddball looks forward to Winter every year. What’s wrong with some people? Kidding. I’m kidding. This week brought the arrival of summer.…
Happy Father’s Day to those celebrating. For years this day meant nothing to me. My father died when I was just six years old. I have very few memories of him. What I do know I learned later in life as I was always asking uncles and aunts to tell me more about him. I…
Hi everyone! It’s me, Liam, and guess what? I came to visit Grammy and Grampy this week! My mom brought me here from Texas for a vacation. Mommy needed a vacation from the south Texas heat. It’s already been 104 degrees and mommy says it’s not even summer yet. This time we flew on a…
This past Friday my son, Matt, and I did the final episode of our podcast. I guess I shouldn’t say “final” because you never know. We started the show two years ago, June 1, 2021. The show was actually Matt’s idea. I had been in Virginia Beach providing daycare for my grandson Liam. If you…
Someone asked me if I’d like to do something this week and that really made me feel good. When I told my wife, she asked if I was excited about possibly doing it and I replied, “I don’t know if I’m going to but it’s just nice to be wanted.” As I thought more about…
Have you ever noticed that some people come into your life at just the right time? Right when you need something or someone your paths cross. I used to think that was random but lately I’m beginning to wonder. Take a look back over the years… can you relate? I’ve had some wonderful opportunities come…
I have a guest columnist this week. My wife, Priscilla, has been a paramedic for over twenty years. She has seen way too many things in her career as many have in healthcare. Recently a colleague died and, without going into details, it was a shock to many who knew this person. In trying to…