The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

A Terrific Day Honoring A Wonderful Man

It was a terrific day yesterday as hundreds of people gathered for the naming of the Dr. Frederick M. Kalisz. Jr. Sea Lab Marine Science Education Center.

A few months ago I received an email from the committee asking if I would be the emcee for the event. I was honored. Without giving it another thought I said yes.

When I woke up yesterday morning I immediately thought how we couldn’t have had a better day. After all the heat and humidity of this summer, the temperature was a delightful 65 degrees yesterday. It warmed up a bit but never really got uncomfortable.

The ceremony featured music by Mayor Kalisz’s niece, Tori. Mike Couto of the well known Couto and Mulligan sang a song he and his former partner had written and recorded for the Mayor, “Take Pride City Wide.”

Rev. Father Michael Racine led us in prayer and then we heard from several speakers including Mayor Jon Mitchell.

We also heard from former City Solicitor George Leontire, people that worked with Fred and then Fred’s brother Michael.

Afterwards we moved outside for the unveiling of the signage that announces the new name. A great job done by so many that are needed to make something like this happen.

Along the way there were stories about Fred Kalisz the man. We also showed videos from the Kalisz years in a video that was put together by Sue Richard from the New Bedford Cable Network. The common phrase we heard that morning while setting up was, “Wow! We were young!”

What really amazed me as I looked around the gathering, and especially later while meeting people outside, was that it was literally a “Who’s Who” of ‘90s and ‘00s New Bedford politics. These were the people that got things done. Former counselors, committee members and so many former members of the Kalisz administration all showed up to remember their boss, their friend.

I had the pleasure of covering the Kalisz administration while I was at WBSM. While I was never a true newsman, I did talk about the going’s on of the day on my morning show. We hosted debates, inaugurations and I was pleased to host the Mayor’s Gala more than once at the Zeiterion Theater.

With my co-host, the late Sharon Fogaren.

Those were fun shows and it was a thrill to be on that stage and just the total atmosphere.

I told a story yesterday about a message I received from Fred a few years ago. I was going through a difficult time in my life when I received a message that said: “If there is anything I can do, or try to do, don’t hesitate to ask.” He then gave me his cellphone number and said “Call me anytime, day or night. I never forget my friends.” I always tried to stay impartial when it came to politics and my show but we did become friends over the years.

There was another story I meant to tell but we were running long so I dropped it. I will always remember the time Fred and I flew out to the USS Roosevelt off the coast of Virginia. The aircraft carrier had adopted Roosevelt Middle School (or was it the middle school that adopted the carrier?), either way, Fred was going there for a visit and the radio station was invited to cover it if we could arrange transport to Norfolk, VA. As I like to say, this was back in the days when I had a budget, so we were able to arrange it.

I got to Norfolk, met Fred, and then we were off to the carrier. No. It was not conveniently docked in Norfolk. It was somewhere “out there.” We flew on what the Navy calls a COD. It stands for “Carrier Onboard Delivery.” It’s the plane that delivers the mail, packages and sailors out to the ship. And yes… you land on the ship and the tail hook catches the wire.

We were sitting backwards in a bare-bones cabin with the wires and hydraulic lines running over your head. Not only was there no movie, there was no beverage service, no little peanuts or pretzels and no air conditioning.

I remember looking out and the window and seeing the aircraft carrier below. It looked so tiny! I remember telling Fred, “They’re going to land THIS on THAT?” We got waved off once. I later found out the deck wasn’t clear. That was fun, descending in the plane only to suddenly lift back up. I think by now both Fred and I were feeling a little queasy. We made an agreement with each other right then and there that whoever lost his lunch, that story would remain with us. It would never be mentioned on the radio, to the newspaper or talked about at City Hall. I don’t feel like I’m telling secrets because neither one of us got sick though we did look a little rough in those first pictures.

We both became members of the “Tail Hook Club “ as we successfully landed and caught the wire on an aircraft carrier. That day did, at least, two things for me. It later gave me some cred with my son’s Navy friends. He’s been in the Navy ten years but I caught the hook first. Secondly, it cured any fear I ever had about flying because I feel if I survived that flight I can pretty much handle a comfy seat, air conditioning and my little bag of peanuts.

All in all yesterday was a wonderful day. We finally had a chance to gather in a group to celebrate the life of a man who gave so much to our city. And we unveiled a fitting tribute to a man who so loved New Bedford, it’s sea-faring history and it’s children.

Photos courtesy of Sue Demers.

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One response to “A Terrific Day Honoring A Wonderful Man”

  1. Dorothy Koczera Avatar
    Dorothy Koczera

    Great article about à great man .

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