The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Learn What You Can While You Can

I had a great visit the other day with the woman I call the “Matriarch” of the Braley Family. My cousin, Patricia, is the oldest living member of the family and what a wealth of information.

I fell out of contact with my cousin over the years. This was something I apologized for when we got together after my brother died. I remember telling her, “I don’t know what happened,” and she interrupted me and said, so nicely I thought, “Life happened.” That stopped me in my tracks. It was so true.

I know, it’s easy to say, “I’m busy,” but when you think about it, we are! I don’t mean to try and make excuses but when the children came along, starting in 1989, life certainly accelerated! Basically, the 90’s and early 2000’s are a blur. Not only was I working, parenting, coaching and whatever else was needed, I scrambled to keep up with friends and family. Now, I’m no different from anyone else but it was crazy! Fun, but crazy!

It was so nice to hear that from my cousin. “Life happened.” I had put plenty of pressure on myself for not being able to do everything. When she said that I thought, “Yeah. It did!” I prioritized. Did I always make the right decision? Hell no, but I did what I thought I had to do.

Now that we have reunited I can honestly say I have enjoyed every visit or phone call. She has so many stories about the family that I either never knew or forgot.

I don’t have to tell you that Covid was tough. We had just started a Family Reunion the previous summer. I can remember us all being at my cousin Bob’s house when Pat said, “As the oldest member of the family, I say we do this every year.” We all agreed. And then —- (Imagine dramatic music here!)

I called a few times while I was down in Virginia taking care of my grandson Liam. Those calls really helped pass the time on those 12-hour car rides too. It amazes me how we never lack for anything to talk about whether our various health issues, my children, the cousins or memories. She is a deeply religious woman and it’s really refreshing to hear her thoughts on things.

Do you have someone in your life like that? An elder or the keeper of family secrets or just someone who has a better memory than you? Don’t wait!  Reconnect as soon as you can! I feel like I have my own, personal, real-life,!

I don’t know how many years we have left together but I know I want to learn as much as I can. I’m even thinking of doing a sit down interview with her with the cameras and everything but I don’t want to go all “60 Minutes” on her. Barge into her house like Mike Wallace back in the day.

I heard one of my favorite songs this morning, “Count Your Blessings” by Florida Georgia Line. I definitely count Pat as one of my many.

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Pete and Matt are back tomorrow! Check out ”The Pete Braley Show” live at 8 a.m. or anytime on YouTube.

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