The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Oh What A Night

Last night was so nice. No, I haven’t hit the lottery —- yet. It’s not because of the friends we had over for “Wine Night.” Their friendship is precious and I never drink wine at those nights anyway. I prefer my Macallan 12 year old.

It was nice because we finally turned off the air conditioners and opened the windows. I forgot how quiet the night can be.

We have three window units at my house; there never seemed to be a need, or the finances, to get central air. The last few days we’ve had all three going, on high, pretty much 24/7.

I’m not rushing summer away. I told you a few weeks ago that I’m not ready for pumpkin spice and sweaters but I really liked the change in the humidity that arrived yesterday. And last night was so refreshing.

We live three houses up from the beach and if it’s a quiet night with a breeze blowing out of the south or southeast you can actually hear the waves on the beach. On foggy nights we can hear the fog horn from the hurricane dyke. There have been plenty of nights over the years where I just lay there and take it all in. Nature’s lullaby is better than any sleep-help app you can find.

Of course this also means the fireworks can be extra loud around the Fourth of July and many other random weekends it seems. I’ve actually closed the windows and put the AC on so the dog could settle down. And we’ve also had a front row seat to a few arguments between couples on the beach that might have imbibed a bit too much. Yeah, we hear you.

However, the good really does outweigh the bad.

Whether it’s the crickets or the cicadas or any other insect thing out there that I don’t want to think about, the “music of the night” just brings peace. And yes, I stole that line (borrowed) from “The Phantom of the Opera.”

There are people that whine and complain about the weather in January or especially March (not that I would know anyone like that 😏), but when summer comes it seems all forgiven.

I’ve seen the forecast and I know the humidity will be returning, but last night made me pause and enjoy the beauty of where we live. It seems we wait months and months for this weather and when it finally comes it never seems to disappoint.

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