The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Would I Be Rude?

Would I be rude if I didn’t go back to shaking hands? I was thinking about this today. I wonder when we’ll go back to normal and I wonder if normal will change.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the medical expert we’ve seen so much of, was on a Wall Street Journal podcast this week when he said, “I don’t think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you. Not only would it be good to prevent coronavirus disease; it probably would decrease instances of influenza dramatically in this country.”

I agree.

There have been many times, especially during flu season, when I have not wanted to shake hands and I found it challenging. I would walk into church on a Sunday morning and, almost automatically, my hand would go out in greeting. I tried keeping my hands in my pockets but that felt rude as I was approaching someone. At times I tried to have a tissue or handkerchief in my hands and I would say, “I don’t want to shake your hand. I have a cold.”

Doesn’t it seem weird if someone approaches you with their hand extended and you don’t want to shake?

Why do we shake hands? A little quick research shows many websites that all seem to say the same thing. According to the BBC, Archaeologists show handshaking being used as far back as ancient Greek times, as early as the 5th Century BC. They have found images on ancient pots showing people shaking hands to make deals.

The greeting we know today is believed to have come from when people used to use swords for fighting. Many would carry the sword in a case on their left side which meant they could draw the sword with their right hand. Shaking hands, which is done with your right hand, became proof that you came in peace and weren’t holding a weapon.

Manners expert William Hanson explains: “A handshake showed you meant the other person no harm. It’s important today as it’s a sign of trust and friendship.”

Well you may not have a sword but that doesn’t mean the germs are not a weapon!

I don’t consider myself a germaphobe but I must admit, I’m rethinking the whole handshake thing. I can remember a time or two when I would shake someone’s hand and then hear them say, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I think I’m coming down with something.” Ewwwww!

But it’s so ingrained in what we do! The other day my son had a friend over that I hadn’t met yet. “Hey dad? This is Cody. Cody, my dad.” He crossed the room and extended his hand. I was just about to shake his hand when I remembered to tap elbows with him.

Could we possibly eliminate the handshake? I suppose we would have to replace it with something. I’ve been tapping elbows with people but that really feels weird. I’m also not a fan of fist bumps because the hands are still touching. That video of people tapping their feet is cute but, come on, how many of us would fall? Need balance? Not a fan!

How about a head bob? Just a nod? I think we could all do it unless you have neck trouble. In that case just a wave. Maybe we could all just wave. Hold your hand up and offer a “Hey!” Going back to the original reason for handshakes (“I have no weapon so you can trust me), a wave would prove the same thing.

I’m not really expecting society to change. If this goes back to the 5th Century BC we’re not going to change it after a few months. Yes, it’s only been about a month it just feels longer.

Dr. Fauci sees us going back to normal slowly. He said, “It’s a gradual pulling back on certain of the restrictions and getting society a bit back to normal.”

He does hope that we keep washing our hands a lot and, again, “I don’t think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you.

One response to “Would I Be Rude?”

  1. Peg Britton Avatar
    Peg Britton

    No Pete, I don’t it would be rude to not shake hands …why not just a simple wave, smile, or nod ??? We really need to just have more plain common sense when it comes to hygiene…

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