Just like that —- we say, “What winter?”
I was out for a walk yesterday when I noticed two things:
- It was nice and warm.
- Finally everything is green.
I try to walk every day and it always seems to be breezy down on Sconticut Neck in Fairhaven. My wife and I have noticed that at some point in the spring though, that breeze becomes different. It’s chilly and goes right through you in the early spring and then suddenly it’s a refreshing breeze that you don’t mind at all.
I also notice the yards and trees around me. It seems like the grass is brown forever but once it turns green, I seem to forget all about it.
No doubt all that rain helped to turn things green. This has been an unusually wet spring but I did notice in my “memories” online that I was complaining about days and days of rain a few years ago.
I learned this week that a local high school has had 75 postponements of games or events just this spring. 75 postponements! That includes freshman, junior varsity and varsity. Baseball, softball, boys and girls lacrosse, boys and girls tennis and track. That’s a lot of juggling of teams, busses and monitoring field conditions. I also learned there are many other factors besides the weather like Prom, AP exams, and concerts and shows. (“Five kids in my starting line up are in chorus. I can’t field a team!”) I’ve always felt like this was the most difficult season for an athletic director. Let’s pick a day next week for “Hug your A.D. Day” or maybe they could offer a free iced coffee for every stressed out Athletic Director. I know the school year is almost over but don’t the fall sports hold practice in mid-August?
I walked by the beach yesterday and saw two young women getting out of the car with their beach chairs. I said, “Opening Day huh?” They answered with, “Finally!” It was only May 18th but I know that we’ve all been frustrated with “48 degrees and rain.”
I will admit that I whine in the winter and early spring. You may have noticed. I get tired of seeing the trees bare and it seems that the grass stays brown forever.
Was yesterday a turning point? We can hope!

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