The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Woof Wednesday and Oscar Loves To Eat

Hi guys! It’s me —– Oscar the Beagle.

It’s kinda weird this week because Grandpy isn’t around. He went on that long car ride down to Sarah’s house. I guess she’s going on a vacation and grandpy has to take care of her dogs because he’s so good at taking care of me and Baxter. He’s not too good at some other stuff but he’s pretty good at taking care of us. So you could say that me and Baxter are sharing him. Aren’t we nice? We deserve a cookie.

Grammy is taking care of us and Uncle Matt fills in if she has to work.

I’m still able to write this Wednesday stuff because grandpy left his laptop and I know the password. It’s “Woof 1234” which we should probably change now that I’ve told you that. Oh well.

Boy it was cold the other day! Uncle Matt let me out to pee and I was back in like 10 seconds! He said, “Did you even go?” And I’m thinkin’, “Hey buddy! You go outside and see how fast you can do it.” Usually I like to scoot around and sniff the corners of the yard but not when the thermometer shows very little red. Nope. No degrees….. no extra sniff time! Baxter still likes to go for a walk but I’m just fine on my doggie bed with a blanket or two. It’s days like this that I miss grandpy’s lap.

Do you know what I did the other day? Uncle Matt went to work and he left his bedroom door open so some heat would get in there. He doesn’t usually leave the door open but he did this time. Well I figured I was welcome to sniff around in there because it’s usually closed off but I figured he was inviting me in. Why wouldn’t he?

So I went inside and I found, not one but TWO boxes of Cheese Itz crackers! They weren’t full but they did have plenty left. I thought it was neat that he left them for me. I tore right into one and since they were so good I ate the other one too. I was going to share with Baxter but ——– oh let’s be real —– I really never thought of him. He wasn’t there and you snooze….I get the food.

My tummy didn’t feel so good a little later but I felt so good when I was eating them up. I don’t know why but Uncle Matt was mad when he got home. Maybe he had a bad day at work.

All I know is that morning came and that meant one thing ——- breakfast time!

Grammy says that I’m the typical Beagle and that I would eat until I burst. I think she’s wrong and I’m willing to try and prove or disprove that theory anytime: just leave the cover off the kibble container. If I could just find a way to open that cupboard and then open the container I’d be in business. It would also be such a help to my humans: one less thing they have to remember. I’m only thinking of them!

Well that’s all for this week. Grammy says we’re gonna FaceTime with grandpy later this week, whatever that means. I’m just gonna lay under the blankets for now and dream of boxes of Cheese Itz —— everywhere ——- just for me!

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