
  • Liam’s Busy Easter


    Chapter 62 Hi everyone! It’s me, Liam, and boy am I pooped. Did you have that Easter thing too? There was so much to do and so many eggs to find! I told you last week about the egg hunt at the church right? Well I woke up the other morning and mommy told me…

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  • Raising Grampy- Chapter 13


    Hi everyone! It’s me, Liam, just hanging out with Grampy. I hope you had a nice Easter. We did. I don’t why my mommy put all this stuff around me. That’s my bunny Fred. He has a mask on. I don’t know why. Grammy and Grampy gave me Fred. I guess Grampy went shopping right…

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  • Adapt and Adjust


    This is not exactly how we planned it. The plan was for me to come down to Virginia Beach to take care of my grandson once my daughter went back to work. It would give me something to do and I like to think it was easier for her to leave a, at the time,…

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