Hi everyone! It’s me, Liam! I feel like I haven’t talked to you since I was kid!
Guess what? I came to visit my old pal Grampy! It was my summer vacation.
Mommy was already here for Aunty Kat’s Bridal Shower. I don’t know what kind of shower that is. Maybe they use a special soap.
Daddy and I flew up here on a big airplane a few days later. Daddy woke me up while it was still dark time. I don’t think you’re supposed to get up while it’s still dark time. After we got here, Grampy and I watched a movie but neither one of us saw the end.

Grampy said he’ll Google it to see how it ended.
The next day we got in two cars and headed for something called New Hampshire. Grammy said we were going to a place called Santa’s Village where Santa lives in the summer. It really wasn’t a bad car trip compared to when we drive to Virginia Beach. This was a piece of cake!

Guess who wanted a candy bar at the rest stop? That would be my Grampy!
We drove to a motel to sleep that night. After dinner I took out the Santa’s Village map to plan our day.

Then we went to the Game Room!

I think I beat Grammy 3-2. I kept it close so she wouldn’t be sad.
The next day we had breakfast and then it was off to the park!
They had this cool letter game with some elves that I had to find.

Then it was time for rides!

We had so much fun!
Later that day I helped Grammy with her Gingerbread Cookie. You can never have enough frosting!

It was such a fun day! We had pizza for lunch and went on so many rides! Then it was time to leave. Mommy says I fell asleep before we even left the parking lot but I don’t remember.
My mommy said that she used to go to that park with my uncles and Aunty when she was a kid. It still looked great considering it was THAT old!
We went back to Grammy’s house where I stayed for two more days before flying home. Grampy keeps reminding me that he lives there too but I just call it Grammy’s house.
I do have some big news: I guess the Navy is sending my dad out on the big boat again next month. I think he’s the only one who knows how to drive it. When he comes back we have to move to some place called “Texas.” Mommy says when daddy goes to the boat we’re going to come back to Grammy’s house until the big move. Sooooo ….I get to hang with Grampy and Grammy for a few months! I don’t know how long that is but I think it’s more than a couple of days.
Look forward to more “Raising Grampy” stories! As long as he lets me borrow his tablet.
“Raising Grampy “ was a series of blogs written through the eyes of Liam while Pete was staying in Virginia Beach. Relive the series by clicking here.
Check out past Sunday Column’s by clicking here.

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