I come to you from Virginia Beach today, not from another vacation trip to see my grandson though he is a big part of this story.
After my daughter and son-in-law found out they were expecting, they began thinking of Sarah’s return to work. Her company offered four months maternity leave so they realized they wouldn’t need to do anything until mid-January, but it was wise to plan. What they discovered is no surprise to parents today: daycare is expensive. When Sarah told her mom, I thought about it and then said, “Well I could do it.” Priscilla and I thought about it, talked about it and then I realized: I’ve been looking for a purpose since my radio hopes dried up so……
I start tomorrow. As some have said recently, “What better purpose?”
I looked it up and found that a male nanny is called a “Manny,” but since I know a few Mannys and didn’t want to get confused, Sarah suggested I go with “Grampnanny.”
I haven’t moved to Virginia Beach, nor have I left my wife. I’m staying with my son, Doug, as his wife has been deployed on the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Eisenhower. We don’t know where the Mighty Ike is going but I would appreciate prayers for Marla and all of our service men and women.
I will drive to my daughter’s home every day and hang out with Liam until Sarah or my son-in-law Steven get home. I’m planning daily walks and I’ve already scouted out the library and have even visited a few churches. I figure we’ll have storytime, snacktime and my favorite – naptime!
I’ve had friends ask how long I’ll be down here and I don’t have a definitive answer for that. It could be a few months, it could be until a spot opens up for him at the base daycare. We’ll see. I will be going home every now and then, especially when my daughter and son-in-law take vacation time or when the other grandparents visit from California. I hope to work on my NBCN show “Classroom Chronicle” at that time and enjoy my breakfasts with my friends Mr. Mike and my cousin Harry. Walks with Priscilla and my boys Oscar and Baxter.
No need to fear “Woof Wednesday” fans as I will continue the blogs since he gives us so much material.
I’d also like to announce a new blog: “Raising Grampy.” It will be my daycare adventures through the eyes of Liam and I hope you’ll enjoy.
I will enjoy reading your posts on Social Media and will keep up to date on the events in Fairhaven and New Bedford. Please feel free to email or comment on the website because I really do enjoy hearing from you.
Priscilla will continue with her trips to Virginia Beach every month or every five weeks or so. Every time I’ve asked she seems to be supportive, and occasionally has said she’s jealous of the time I’ll have to spend with our grandson.
Who knows? I’ll keep playing Power Ball and try to make it happen so we can both help out.
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