Why is everyone so mad? If you’re not…great! Have a super day! However, I’m hearing more and more stories from friends and family about the frustrations they run into every day. I must have heard it several times over the past week: “I just can’t take people anymore!” “I love my job but I can’t…
Hi everyone! It’s me, Liam! I feel like I haven’t talked to you since I was kid! Guess what? I came to visit my old pal Grampy! It was my summer vacation. Mommy was already here for Aunty Kat’s Bridal Shower. I don’t know what kind of shower that is. Maybe they use a special…
Tuesday was my birthday! I was thinking about how I’ve had 61 years of blessings. A little adjustment in thinking. We seem to have a tendency to look back at all the things we’ve been through and have had to deal with throughout our years but if you stop and think: you’ve probably had some…
Have you ever been reading a good book and got near the end but you just…couldn’t…keep…your eyes open…anymore? You struggle through and FINISH it! You discover the ending! Find out who the killer was! Then realize you have nothing to read tomorrow? Now what do I do? It’s Sunday and the library is closed! ——-My…
I read a powerful quote today that really made me stop and think. Stop giving CPR to dead situations. Wow! I’ll pause so you can read that again. … I’m guilty of this. What about you? I’m not talking about getting together and talking about old times with friends, that can be a fun evening…
Did you ever do something you didn’t think you were able to do? It’s a pretty good feeling. A few years ago I couldn’t cook. Well, I probably could but I didn’t think so. I never really tried. My mother did all the cooking when I was young and Priscilla did the cooking when we…
I’ve been driving for close to 45 years. I hesitate to say, “I’ve seen it all” because I’m afraid that, once I do, something new and outrageous will happen. I can’t say for sure but— do you think it’s getting worse? We can probably agree that cellphones have made driving worse. Now I’m not saying…
Congratulations to all the graduates in our area! I’ve really enjoyed seeing the photos and reading the comments on social media. I saw a post on Facebook this week that made me think. It was a meme that said: “A big shoutout to all the kids who didn’t win an award, make honor roll, and…
I was thinking about this the other day, as I sat in the yard in the sun: Once the weather turns all is forgiven. In case you’re a new reader I’ll say it again… I hate March in New England. I’ve written a few blogs about this in the past. You get all excited because…
I can’t say I ever imagined having this problem in my life. It’s just something you never think of having to deal with. I guess I thought he’d always be there. I’ve had to find a new doctor. My Primary Care Physician (PCP) is retiring. I’ve been going to Dr. Drew Nahigyan for…..um…. a long…