The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

When Is It Too Soon To Decorate For Christmas?

We just might be in for a battle here at Braley Manor.

In case you don’t know, my daughter and grandson are living with us for a few months while her husband is away on deployment. It’s really been wonderful having them. I get to spend a lot of time with my grandson and I appreciate Sarah’s help around the house. It’s also fun to visit some of her old favorites that she hasn’t been able to get to for the past few years while living down south. We had take out from Wah Mays and we’ve visited Gary’s Hot Dogs once or twice.

The battle? Well that appears to be about when to decorate for Christmas.

Sarah loves Christmas. Let me rephrase that: Sarah LOVES Christmas! We do too but my wife, Priscilla, has always been a stickler that we celebrate Thanksgiving first, then Christmas.

We have many beautiful Thanksgiving decorations that come out right after Halloween. Christmas decorating takes place on the weekend after Thanksgiving: either Black Friday or Saturday depending on the weather. If Sarah had her way she would decorate right after Halloween.

Her reasoning is that she has so many Christmas decorations, why should she just have them out for a month? AND, after the spooky decorations of Halloween…why not flip it to the other extreme and put up the happy decorations? Interesting. However, “No way,” according to Priscilla.

I remember one year we drove down to Virginia Beach to celebrate Thanksgiving with the southern family.

I usually have control over the radio and playlists on these trips but when I landed on the all-Christmas radio station (because they all seem to go with Christmas music as of Veteran’s Day), Priscilla said, “Oh no! Not until after Thanksgiving!” Obviously it was okay to play Christmas music on the trip home but not before Turkey Day!

I asked some friends about this last week and learned that one person puts her tree up November 1st but doesn’t decorate it until after Thanksgiving. I’m not sure I understand the reasoning but she said she likes to see the lights at night but waits to decorate. I had never heard of that plan before.

What do you do?

It’s really a case of “To each his own” if you think about it. It’s your house so do what makes you happy I guess. I’m just waiting to see if I hear it: “As long as you’re under my roof…”

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3 responses to “When Is It Too Soon To Decorate For Christmas?”

  1. Diane Hahn Avatar
    Diane Hahn

    When my now 24 and 27 year old sons were young we would do up Christmas big time. We also started our celebration of what we call HAHN-U-KAH (our last name is Hahn,get it) to honor my husband’s father (he passed before my sons were born) who had survived the Holocaust in Poland as probably a boy of 8 years or so, it’s still a mystery because none of his family or records survived. It is meant to be a celebration of life as that is what the Jewish celebration is all about, along with an educational component. Another way we honored him was to give his name to our younger son as his middle name, Ryzard the Polish form of Richard. On the first night of Hanukkah we have an open house, in it’s heyday around 80 people passed.through our house from sundown to whatever time we wrapped it up. When Santa stopped coming around the house we did less Christmas decoration each year until finally it’s just a Christmas tree we put up. Our house is big time decorated for HAHN-U-KAH that we leave up through until around mid-January, along with our tree. My house is the one in your neighborhood where the Christmas lights stay on the porch and lit year round, after Christmas we call them Party Lights!

  2.  Avatar

    When children are living with you, it should be up to them, no matter how young or old they are. The Spirit of the Christmas Season should be enjoyed by all for the season
    .Just my opinion, I know. But let’s ALL enjoy the holidays, and the peace the season brings.

  3. Bernadette Charette Avatar
    Bernadette Charette

    I am with Sarah on this one! I LOVE Christmas too!

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