The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

A Thought That Made Me Think

Say what you want about social media, but one of the things it has done is provide people with a way to share things they love, do, or read.

The other morning I was doing what I always do: scrolling through Facebook while having my morning coffee. It’s my way of catching up on what’s going on in the world. I used to do that on my morning radio show. Then I would watch the “Today Show” but I fell out of that habit a while ago.

As I was scrolling I came across a meme of Morgan Freeman and a saying. I did a little digging to see if the quote was from Mr. Freeman but everything I found said it was from an anonymous source.

The quote….

Nothing is permanent. Don’t stress too much, because no matter how bad the situation is…it will change.

Man I wish the younger Pete had read that. True, I probably wouldn’t have believed it but I certainly could have used it.

One thing I have appreciated as I’ve grown older, not the thinning hair or lack of mobility, is the fact that so many things have become clearer in my life. I’ve come to know what’s worth worrying about and what is not. I wish I could have known that sooner. Of course, maybe we have to learn these things or experience the frustrations before we can grow.

Think about the stressful times in your life…they weren’t permanent were they? You got through it or you dealt with it and then things changed.

I was thinking today how I wasted so much time and energy worrying about certain things or getting mad at people or situations. However, I then realized that all of those experiences have made me what I am today. Do I regret some of those actions or situations? Certainly. Now that I can see it all clearly I could have handled many situations differently. In hindsight I shouldn’t have done this or said that but, that’s what I did and hopefully I have learned from it.

I think about the many hours I stressed over something and now that I look back on it I realize that it wasn’t permanent. We moved on and we changed although it might have been difficult at the time.

Sometimes I watch my grown children deal with issues in their lives and I want to tell them that it’s not worth it to put so much pressure on themselves. But then I realize that they have to go through their learning process. I might offer my insight if I see the opening but I try not to preach. Besides, if someone had tried to tell the young Pete there was no reason to stress I probably wouldn’t have listened either. “Yeah that may have worked for you but I’ve got REAL problems!”

What’s the old saying…”This too shall pass?” I thought that came from the Bible but a quick Google search says it came from Persia in the 1800s.

It’s true though: Whatever it is, it will pass…eventually.

So let’s try to remember that saying I found this week while I was drinking my morning coffee and maybe pass it along to those who need it.

Nothing is permanent. Don’t stress too much, because no matter how bad the situation is…it will change.

If you missed any previous Sunday Columns you can catch up by clicking here.

One response to “A Thought That Made Me Think”


    Great column!

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