The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Pet Peeves: Everybody’s Got Some

It’s time for the annual blog about Pet Peeves! A statement that can bring about several responses including:

-“I love these!”

– “Let’s see if he mentions one of mine!”

– “Not this again!”

– “Ha! He can’t think of anything else to write about this week!”

When I was doing a daily radio show there was always an understanding in the industry: If you can’t think of anything else, open the phone lines for pet peeve stories. Everybody’s got one! I do think it’s one of the most relatable things we humans all have. 

So what is the actual definition of “pet peeve?” The Oxford Dictionary defines it as “something that a particular person finds especially annoying.” Yup! Got a million of ‘em. And I find that I have more and more the older I get. I’m not sure if it’s because we have more life experience or I’m just getting older and more crotchety! I consider myself a curmudgeon-in-training.


I’ve been making a list of pet peeves lately. Let me know if you can relate or what yours might be.

I was in the shower the other day when I reached for the bar of soap and… there was just a sliver left. I hate it when there’s just a sliver of soap left. I’m not sure if it’s the size of my hands or the fact that I still have a little lack of fine motor skills but I just can’t navigate that little sliver of soap to get a good lather. Of course my son was quick to point out the other day that body wash was invented a few decades ago so that I wouldn’t have that problem but I still like to grab that bar of soap and wash up. 

I can see how the sliver of soap issue develops. You take a shower and think, “Oh I should get a new bar of soap for the next person that showers.” Then once you get out and dry yourself off you probably forget all about it by the time you get out. Plus it can be difficult to decide exactly when to make the change. What you consider to be enough soap for another shower may differ from what I think. And what do you do with the sliver? Throw it away? That seems wasteful. Leave it in the soap dish and try to get it to melt into the new bar? Not gonna lie. I’ve tried that before.

Another pet peeve is when you stumble downstairs to start your day. You wander to the coffee maker (We have a Keurig). You turn it on, find your KCup and your mug, select the right size and then discover ….the last person left you with no water! Of course your brain is not awake enough to figure out what’s going on. You just know your coffee, your life saving beverage, will not be coming until you wake up enough to fix this problem! Again I can understand how this happens. The last person who brewed some was focused on their beloved coffee being ready and they just wanted to consume it. Who looks at the water container to see if the next person will be okay? You just want the coffee that’s sitting right in front of you!

Or how about when you’re on the highway and you get stuck in traffic. I’ve had this happen on road-trips to see the kids and even when I’m trying to get to the mall that’s only 15-minutes away. You’re stuck! Maybe you can change lanes once or twice but one lane is just as slow as the other. The frustrating part is when you finally break free from the traffic and you’re in the clear… and there is no apparent reason for the delay in the first place! There’s no accident. There’s no construction. Nothing! I don’t know about you but when I finally get to the front of the line I want there to be a valid reason for the hold up! Maybe some news helicopters circling or at least SOMETHING to justify the last hour of my life.

I also had another pet peeve surface this week. This one has been going on for years. Someone cuts out in front of you either from a parking lot or a side street. I immediately look in my rear view mirror to confirm and YUP! There is almost always no one behind me. If that person would have just waited for me to pass they wouldn’t have had to hurry. Ah but I know: where’s the sport in that?

How about you? Care to share your pet peeves? Everybody’s got some.

Catch up on previous Sunday Columns by clicking here.

2 responses to “Pet Peeves: Everybody’s Got Some”

  1. Peg Britton Avatar
    Peg Britton

    Hi Pete!
    yes littering aggravates me also …why does someone do it ??? They cant keep it in the car ???
    And your son is right about body wash :>)…. another plus is that you dont get that filmy soap scum on your shower tiles or bathtub …mush easier to just wipe down the walls quickly after a shower and no residue !
    And then there are salesman that come to the door despite having a no solicitors sign right by the door bell ??? They must be able to read if they are selling a product, right .???

  2. DOROTHY Koczera Avatar
    DOROTHY Koczera

    People who throw garbage out their cars.I throw mine on the

    floor when I get home I throw it in the garbage !Wow that is very difficult !!
    I wish police could stop them for littering!!!

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