The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

What Makes Summer So Special?

Why is summer so special for some of us? I say “some” because I know not everyone loves summer as much as I do. Many people prefer Fall, some Spring and the occasional oddball looks forward to Winter every year. What’s wrong with some people? Kidding. I’m kidding.

This week brought the arrival of summer. The summer solstice occurred Wednesday at 10:57 a.m. I used to make a big deal about the exact time, as if 10:56 a.m. was any different than 10:58 a.m.

We made it!

When I read posts about it finally being summer this week it gave me such a feeling of happiness. It was like letting out a big sigh, “We finally made it! It’s back!” Of course the weather here in southern New England hasn’t really felt much like summer. We have had temperatures in the low 70s along the coast and we really haven’t had much of a beach day yet but I’m sure that will come. The first heat wave can’t be too far away and people will be longing for their fleece jackets, campfires and pumpkin spiced Lattes.

I found myself wondering this week why some of us react so strongly to summer. Can it simply be that it reminds us of our childhood? 

We’re free!

Summer meant no school and we were “free!” Can we still be remembering that feeling? 

I grew up in Acushnet and summer meant countless hours on my bike. I would ride to friends houses or go to Pope Park or anyplace with a big yard for pickup baseball games. 

Now that you’re older you may not be free from work but I seem to remember a different feeling when I was working during the summer. For one thing, the sun is up earlier so if you were used to driving to work or waking up in the dark, that’s a bit different. There’s also daylight after work so you can get outside and have some fun.

Summer is also a popular time for vacations. Maybe a week or two off is what we get excited about.

Release the endorphins!

We are outside a lot more in the summer. That gives you a chance to exercise,work in the yard or hang out with friends so you are releasing more endorphins, those little hormones that improve your mood and boost your self esteem. 

You may be traveling and seeing sights or friends that bring you happiness.

Things are also growing in the summer, there is “life” all around you. True the flowers start to bloom and the trees blossom in the spring but by summer everything is blooming, ripe and healthy.

I can’t help it, I love summer. I was born in July so I’m a summer baby. Not sure if that has anything to do with it. Do any winter babies also love the arrival of summer or is winter your favorite?

My daughter, Sarah, lives in south Texas now and I’m not sure how she is feeling about summer. It’s been in the triple digits there for a few weeks so she might not be having too much fun. 

I had a friend who had relocated from Massachusetts to the Virginia Beach area. I asked him once how he handled the summer being so brutal and he explained that he had to adopt a mindset that life down south was exactly the opposite of life in the northeast. What he meant was, you know how we stay indoors January, February and March or December, January and February? Well in the south he would just stay inside June, July and August or just go from the air conditioned car to the air conditioned house and so on. He loved to play golf but there are sometimes in the south that it is just too hot in July! I thought that was a good way to look at it.

One of the most beautiful spots

Whatever the reason, I’m just going to enjoy my summer. It’s a time to relax, take a deep breath and realize we live in one of the most beautiful parts of the country.

I also hope I never turn into a person like the one I saw online. He (or she) said the thing they don’t like about the summer solstice is that, after that day, the days start getting shorter. Really? The sun will set after 8 p.m. for a good three months but we’re already dreading the loss of a minute or two of daylight? 

I think we need to relax and enjoy what we’ve got, while we got it.

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One response to “What Makes Summer So Special?”

  1. Peg Britton Avatar
    Peg Britton

    Hi Pete ,
    Yes , us ‘now southerners’, who used to be northerners, have the opposite view of the seasons.. I now like the Fall ,Winter ,and Spring to be outside but do not relish the humidity and hot temps of the summer …but you just go from one AC place to another AC place and deal with it…the rest of the year is just fine :>) I am in Florida but Sarah is even hotter in Texas ! Enjoy your summer !

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