The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Just When You Need It Most

Have you ever noticed that some people come into your life at just the right time? Right when you need something or someone your paths cross. I used to think that was random but lately I’m beginning to wonder.

Take a look back over the years… can you relate?

I’ve had some wonderful opportunities come my way ever since I lost my full time job and had some health issues several years ago. Of course, if I think about it, I was probably too busy when I was working to even consider adding something else but when I needed it, opportunities came along. There were several other occasions over the years where it seems that when I needed something, someone suddenly came along. I was either introduced to someone new or they joined my circle of acquaintances or my eyes were attracted to a certain article. Random? I don’t think so.

I think that God or your Guardian Angel or your Spirit Guides (whatever you want to call that higher power) provides us with just what we need when we need it. It may not be the exact answer you were looking for (like a winning lottery ticket), but it might be just what you needed or it was someone who would lead you to what you need.

Think about the people you have had in your life and what you may have learned from them or the impact they had in your life. They may or may not be still in the picture but at that time it was just what you needed. It used to bother me when we drifted apart from friends that we hung out with regularly but over the years I’ve come to accept it. People change and we all have many outside forces biding for our time. The thing we had in common has maybe changed. If you knew them through your children, once the kids grow up and graduate you don’t have the same things in common. We had a lot of friends through youth sports but once the games ended we don’t see each other anymore. Do I miss them? Absolutely, but life moves on.

This theory came to mind the other day after my son Matt and I announced that we would be ending our podcast at the beginning of June. We’ve had a good two-year run but, after much debate, it’s time for each of us to move on. When we posted a video of the announcement, someone commented that the show came along just when they “needed it most.” I don’t know why they needed it and I don’t really need to know, I’m just happy we were able to fill that need. It just proves my point that some things or people come along just when you need it. Matt and I would have been doing the show either way but that person may not have discovered us.

So what am I getting at here? If there is something you really need or a void that you need to fill, pray on it if that’s your thing. Whether you do or not, keep your eyes open. Have you had a new opportunity come your way? Maybe that’s your answer. Has someone new come into your life? Maybe they are the answer or can lead you to the answer. You may not see it right now or it may not be the answer you were looking for but it just might be the beginning of a new adventure.

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One response to “Just When You Need It Most”


    Thank you, my friend!!

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