The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

When Did Good Service Become A Rarity?

Isn’t it sad that nowadays when you get good service it sticks out as unusual? Stand by kids! Here we go with a “Back in my day…..”. But seriously, didn’t we used to strive to provide great service? Wasn’t that the goal every day?

This week I went to pick up some medicine. A few months ago we had heard about a new pharmacy, Fairhaven Pharmacy at 72 Main St. We used to use CVS in Fairhaven but had consistently been disappointed with the service and the hassles of getting our prescriptions filled. What a breath of fresh air this has been with this new pharmacy. And we’re saving some money too.

Brian Meneses is the owner and pharmacist. He is a graduate of Fairhaven High School and the website says he is a lifelong resident who is proud to bring a local pharmacy to his hometown. He has been so helpful in getting everything transferred over from CVS. In the past we’ve been told that we had to call or email to get authorization but Brian has taken care of some of the issues saving us countless headaches. Now he doesn’t have to do this (plenty of others would not), but he makes the effort.

When did customer service become a thing of the past? I know insurance companies and medical conglomerates can be frustrating. I honestly think they’ve just become so big that no one has time anymore for the little things. They’re under so much pressure to produce that they can’t take the extra time to be helpful. Of course it doesn’t help that some customers have no patience what so ever and will not hesitate to make a scene.

Here’s a newsflash for you: Not everyone is out to get you. You may think of the old saying, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease,” meaning if you speak up you get more attention but I don’t think that means you have to be so difficult about it. Another one my mom taught me was, “You attract more bees with honey than vinegar,” which to me means I’ll get better service if I treat the person with kindness.

Some people are so nasty lately! Of course it doesn’t help when we see how some of our “leaders” behave. I shared something on Facebook this week that caught my eye. It was a meme that said:

When did we forget that?

To those that go the extra mile for their patients or customers, let me say, “THANK YOU!” It doesn’t go unnoticed. And please, keep it up! You may not be appreciated by your supervisors but, I believe, going that extra mile and putting in a little extra effort will pay off for you someday. At the very least, know that you have my respect and, I’m sure, the respect of many others.

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2 responses to “When Did Good Service Become A Rarity?”

  1. Peg Britton Avatar
    Peg Britton

    Hi Pete ,
    Since we are basically a service and hospitality state in Florida , most companies and workers are helpful and courteous and most customers are …I said most, but not all the time …I have been here for 19 years and can see the difference in the people and businesses as the population has grown way too fast ….not quite the same and with hurricane damage and supply chain issues many have lost patience and you dont see the smiles that we used to see …but all in all most are friendly …I try to always respect the workers …ANY job is important and much needed and I always thank them.

  2. Margaret Rogers Avatar
    Margaret Rogers

    SI changed Toni’too Pete he grove my haborerhosdup ins

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