The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

How Long Have I Been Trying To Win?

Sunday Column by Pete Braley

I was thinking the other day (Something I do WAY TOO MUCH of especially when I’m trying to sleep), ”How long have I been trying to win the stupid lottery?”

I was thinking about what I had to do the next day and I remembered that I needed to play the lottery. Notice I said “needed?” I don’t need too I just want to. Hey it’s $600 MILLION DOLLARS! (That deserves more exclamations) !!!

That was when I started wondering how long I’ve been playing this dang thing — and probably more important — what have I won for all those tries? I seriously think that the most money I’ve ever won is … wait for it …$40. Yup. I’m also the king of $2 hits!Just enough to buy a new ticket.

You know those stories about the clerk handing the guy the wrong ticket and it turns out to be the winner? Tried that. The clerk apologized and I said, “I’ll take it! Maybe it’s a sign!” It wasn’t.

You know those stories about the person who tried his/her luck while on a vacation or road trip? Tried that. I’m a multi-state loser.

The other night I truly did wonder how long I’ve been doing this. That’s when I remembered a time when Bernadette Coelho and I were at a table with friends at Muldoon’s Saloon. We would always go there after a Wednesday night softball game with the WNBH Foul Balls. Bernadette worked in the news department and I was on the FM station WMYS. I always had to get my Muldoon’s Favorite, which I believe was steak and cheese with onions and peppers on Pita bread! I miss that place! Anyway… I can see Bernadette and I discussing some big Megabucks jackpot. We were dreaming about what we’d do with the winnings: Season tickets to the Red Sox or maybe a new car.

That must have been the early 80s. 40 years! I’ve been trying to win this thing for 40 years!

I know: If I had taken the $2.00 a week (previously $1.00) and saved or invested I’d be in much better shape. Not $600 million but a least I would have something to show for it.

Why do we do it?

I guess it’s the big “What if?” game. “What if it happens to me? And why shouldn’t it happen to me? I’m a nice person. I play by the rules…most of the time. I like children and puppies.”

I especially love this line I’ve heard, “I’ll even give 10% to the church!” As if you can negotiate with God.

God: “Wow! He’ll give 10%, and keep 90% for himself, such a deal!”

I know this is no laughing matter to anyone who has a problem with gambling. I can honestly say that I have never taken the mortgage money or the grocery money to play the lottery. I’ve also never gone crazy buying ten or twenty tickets to increase my chances. It’s usually $5.00 or less that I would have spent on coffee or some other silly purchase.

I just like to dream, then get up, check my numbers and go on with my life and I don’t see anything wrong with that.

“Hey God? 20%? How ‘bout 25?”

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