The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

People! Please Stay Home!

I know I’m not sharing any “Breaking News” here but a lot of people are getting sick. And when they get sick some are calling 9-1-1 for an ambulance to take them to the hospital. And THAT’S what I feel the need to write about.

In the majority of cases…you can probably just stay home. Yes, there are times when emergency medical care is needed but if you just have a cold, flu or even if you do have Covid but no other issues (I believe they call it “comorbidities”), just go to bed. Drink plenty of fluids, rest and take Tylenol.


  1. the simultaneous presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions in a patient. “age and comorbidity may be risk factors for poor outcome”

I bring this up because of the frustrations I’m hearing and reading about. As you may know, my wife is a paramedic who has been working continuously through this pandemic. And, like many others on the front lines, they’re tired. They are just completely worn out but they have to keep going. My wife doesn’t even want to watch the news anymore because it’s just the same old thing. I lost count as to how many Hallmark movies I’ve seen in the past month. Help!

I know many people are scared and they want what’s best for a loved one. However, if a medical professional tells you that you or a loved one just need to rest and get over whatever is bothering you, why don’t we trust them? Why do you feel that you’re loved one must go to the hospital where, being truthful here, they will be evaluated and then probably left in a room or a hallway for hours and hours while they treat those that are truly critical. 

You don’t have to go to the hospital if you have a mild case. Go to bed! Rest and fluids people.

If you still insist on going to the hospital, can you drive yourself? Is there a friend or family member who can take you? And if you’re thinking, “If I go by ambulance I have a better chance of being seen.” Uh… No! That’s not how this works.

When you go to the hospital by ambulance a triage nurse always greets the team. He or she will determine your need for care and it doesn’t matter if you came in via ambulance or horse-drawn wagon: if you’re not urgent, you wait. I don’t know about you but I would much rather wait in my own comfortable bed than some hallway.

Why don’t ambulances refuse to take these people unless they’re really serious? They can’t. In Massachusetts, if someone calls 911 and wants to go to the hospital, they have to take you. Even if they feel your situation doesn’t warrant it. So if there is a real emergency in town (car crash, gunshot wound, grandpa has a heart attack, baby stops breathing), that ambulance is not available because they’re tied up with you because you don’t feel good. 

Now you might say, “Aren’t there other ambulances?” Well…. sometimes. But with more and more people sick and more people calling ambulances… it’s only just a matter of time. Not to mention that with other agencies or towns covering the response time will not be the same.

I get it. You’re sick. You feel lousy but do you really need an ambulance? What do you think they can do for you? The hospital doesn’t have any magic pill that makes this go away.

So what do you say? Put on your comfy jammies or sweats, snuggle up with pillows and blankets and sleep. Become a binge watcher, read a good book or ….check out one of these Hallmark movies. They’re really not that bad. (There goes my man card.)

This too shall pass but let’s check on our friends and not tie up our emergency resources unless they are truly needed.

3 responses to “People! Please Stay Home!”

  1. Patricia Jason Avatar
    Patricia Jason

    Thanks for reminding us how difficult it is for our first responders. They deserve a lot of credit for their patience and dedication-thanks Priscilla.

  2. Diane Hahn Avatar
    Diane Hahn

    Another thing a person who’s feeling under the weather could do whilst resting and drinking OJ: check out The Pete Braley Show on You Tube. The upbeat, feel-good topics and lively discussions will absolutely help you to “Make It A Great Day” even if you’re not feeling 100%

  3. Joan dellecese Avatar
    Joan dellecese

    So we’ll said, let’s hope this too shall pass. Let’s dwell on positive and happy,let’s see and hear about Liam, miss the stories. Stay safe!

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