The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Jesus Is The Reason

I’ve learned over the years that people collect all kinds of things beside the usual coins or stamps.

My wife, Priscilla, collects nativity sets which I never really realized until this year. I knew she had a couple but this year she decided to post a different nativity picture on Facebook every day. I actually laughed because, more than once, I said, “When did you get this one?” Or “Where is THIS one?”

She has a total of seven but there’s room for more. She even put it on her Christmas list that went out to all of the family.

Some are very simple

While others a little more detailed.

My favorite is the set that my mom left to us. (Priscilla’s not posting that until next week.)

This was a Nativity set that Mom made for herself. Our former pastor Rev. Earl Miller even made a stable for her. When my mom passed away she left it to us and I am so grateful.

I asked Priscilla why she started collecting them and she said, “Because I like them.” At first I thought that was a lame answer until I realized that I would say the same thing about why I collect lighthouse figurines and paintings.

She also said it reminds her that “Jesus is the reason for the season,” and when things get hectic it helps to stop and refocus. I don’t know when I first heard that phrase about Jesus and the season but I’m pretty sure it was in church in response to all the commercialism of Christmas. Sometimes we just need a little reminder.

A few years ago I wrote a blog about how many of the decorations we take out at this time of year can fill us with memories of the past. Some happy and yes…some sad. The holidays change over the years no matter how hard we try to hang on to the past. As I’ve said before I know how it can be sad when traditions come to an end … but there’s no reason why you can’t start a new one…right now with what you have. What’s that saying? The only constant in life is change?

I hope you find some joy even if it’s just a memory that brings a smile.

Merry Christmas my friend!

3 responses to “Jesus Is The Reason”

  1.  Avatar

    Thank you for all of your postings-and Merry Christmas to you and the family.

  2. Diane Hahn Avatar
    Diane Hahn

    I have a collection of menorahs including one that was a wedding gift and one for each of my sons and another that is an actual clay turkey because a few years back the first night of Hanukkah occurred on Thanksgiving!

  3. Yvette+Gracie Avatar

    Great column!

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