The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Happy Anniversary! It’s Been How Long?

Forty years! How did that happen?

Forty years ago Ronald Reagan was President. Sandra Day O’Connor was named the first female justice on the Supreme Court. Prince Charles and Lady Diana had just gotten married in July. And I married Priscilla…..September 12, 1981. Forty years ago today.

I had hair; I was thinner; and nothing hurt yet. I had all my original parts! I even danced up a storm at the reception. Yes as of today we have been married forty years.

We’ve heard many people say, ”You don’t see numbers like that anymore.” And, of course, “What’s your secret?”

I have my opinions on that, but first, let me interview Priscilla. I’ll have my people call her people and we should be able to book something by the end of the month. But seriously…..

I asked Priscilla what she thought our secret was. She said, ”Always trying to be polite. ’Please and thank you’ means a lot. Being appreciative of things like emptying the dishwasher or putting the laundry away. And when we became parents we always had a united front. If we disagreed, we always discussed it in private and agreed on a strategy so they couldn’t play one against the other.” Those rascals! They would have too.

As for me, I married my best friend. We like spending time together…..but we respect each other to know when the other needs some time alone. I trust her. She’s never given me any reason not to. And I don’t think we sweat the small stuff. We’ve had to deal with enough ”big stuff” that the small stuff just happens. Eh, whatever.

Over the years I’ve also learned to just listen. I think when I was younger I always felt like I had to fix everything. Sometimes she just needs to vent and by getting her thoughts out she finds the answer she was looking for.

Now I don’t want to criticize any other couples because I have no idea what really goes on in their house, but I do think that some give up too soon. It’s not going to be like some romance novel or movie. There will be the ugly days. Family struggles, health issues, and times when you have to put your ego on the shelf when the other is having a crisis. Fortunately I know that she will do the same for me when I crash.

Lord knows I’ve given this lady plenty of reasons to call an Uber and scramble out of town, what with my health issues. Actually she’d take her truck, she loves that thing. She’d probably take Charlie the puppy too. But she doesn’t. We took those vows seriously.

To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse.” (Yeah, we’ve had that.)

“For richer, for poorer.” (Yup. We used to eat spaghetti with sauce. No meat or meatballs because that could be a whole other meal!)

In sickness and in health.” (Do I need to explain? Thank God she’s been the first one I’ve seen waking up from my surgeries. Well, except for the recovery room nurses but I’m usually on some good drugs.)

To love and to cherish, till death do us part.” (Well thats our plan.)

Has it been what I expected? I don’t really remember what I expected 40 years ago. We just go with the flow. I don’t really think I had many expectations other than having her by my side through the journey. She’s the first one I want to share my good news with. She’s also the first one I reach out to when the news is not so good. We’ve both changed in different ways over the years but I guess if we have any “secret” I guess it’s that we embrace that change together.

So there you have it. Now I just need her permission before I publish this. Haha!

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11 responses to “Happy Anniversary! It’s Been How Long?”

  1.  Avatar

    Happy Anniversary!! You are a testament to what married us!! The good, the bad and yea the ugly!! I have been fortunate enough to have just celebrated our 34th. It ain’t easy but boy it is so worth it!!! Here’s to 40 more🍾🍾

  2.  Avatar

    That was an awesome blog!!! My hubby and
    I have been blessed with 34 years of marriage ( just a couple of weeks ago) The good the bad and yes the ugly!!! Lol cheers to 40 more!! You’re an inspiration and I hope everyone that gets married strives to hit this milestone!!! Happy Anniversary!!

  3. Katrina Avatar

    Happy anniversary to you both! May there be many many more years of bliss ahead!!

  4. Elly Avatar

    Happy Anniversary. Ours was 61 this year. Not always perfect but thats what makes it interesting. Would not change a thing

  5. Peg Britton Avatar
    Peg Britton

    Happy Anniversary to you both and MANY more !!! :>)

  6. Denise P Wood Avatar
    Denise P Wood

    Happy 40th Anniversary. You’ve both have found a soul mate in each other. You have 4 wonderful children who have accomplished so much and let’s not leave out my buddy Liam. He’s so lucky to have both of you as grandparents Whst you have is real and priceless. Love all of you Braley’s (Steven Marla and Josh too)
    May you have many many more to come. 🥂🍾❤

  7. Brenda Avatar

    Happy Anniversary….have a wonderful day❤❤ Loved the way you described your 2 were meant to be together for Always…Enjoy your day.❤❤

  8. Joan dellecese Avatar
    Joan dellecese

    Many wishes for a lot more togetherness,celebrate🙋

  9. Gail Gallon Avatar
    Gail Gallon

    Happy 40th ❤️ Your words are true. Bill and I were together 43 years before our “till death do us part”. But I have also realized that our love doesn’t stop at death. It continues, sustains and guides. Marriage is a 100%/100% deal. Don’t think for a second you can get away with only giving 50%. Love is grown from the little things…the kindnesses, the acceptance when understanding is difficult….being a help and…..always the love 💗. Being best friends first is key. Blessings to you both today and always ✨

  10. Dorothy Koczera Avatar
    Dorothy Koczera

    FIRST of all HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you both .We have been married 59 yrs .Is it easy absolutely no !!There are good times ,there are bad times .WE just have to learn to deal with it all .Kids today do not make it cause they give up too soon .Love your columns.Keep up the great work !

  11. Cathy Avatar

    Happy Anniversary 🎉🎉
    That’s a great Love story.
    Here’s to many more .🥂🥂

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