The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

When Will It All End?

Does it seem like you wake up to a new surprise every day?

I noticed this week that the Homecoming Fair in Fairhaven was being canceled and then the Cape Verdean Recognition Day Parade was canceled. To both of these announcements I found myself saying, “Already?”

I’m sure the organizers had many issues to consider and I don’t pretend to know half of them.

I think, like many other people, I just want this to end.

I want to go to the store and shop for things that I really don’t need. I want to go to a restaurant and not be able to hear my friends because it’s too loud. It’s not loud now. I want to call a friend but have them say, “Can’t talk right now. I need to go to work.” My son wants a haircut!

I want to spend way too much money on Red Sox tickets, then buy an over-priced beer and hot dog and sit next to a guy who’s on his phone for the whole game.

I want to go to church.

I want a hug!

I’m sure you’ve wondered when this will all end. I’ve read everything from “some businesses” open by May 1; maybe Memorial Day; June; maybe by November and….I’ve also read 2022. I gotta stop reading.

Down here in Virginia, the governor has cancelled school for the rest of the year. No high school sports this spring, no Prom and no graduation. That surprises me because we don’t have as many cases here as in Massachusetts and Gov. Baker is still holding out hope, I guess. Maybe it’s because they don’t think it will peak here until the middle of May.

This is all just so unreal! I read a meme this week that said something like, “Okay kids of today– you’ve topped all of our ‘Blizzard of 78’ stories!”

I’m curious to see how the future plays out. I do think that some businesses won’t survive this. I can’t see how we can go back to large public gatherings too quickly. And I’m afraid that everyone won’t get their job back.

I also predict a very UGLY presidential race. It was going to be ugly to begin with but this just ramps it up even more.

Hopefully you are making the best of it. I’m just about all caught up on my shows and never seem to fall behind on laundry or housecleaning anymore. There are certainly enough hours to sleep. We try to shop for groceries two weeks at a time so meals need to get creative sometimes. Thank God the weather is getting better and this didn’t hit at the start of winter.

So get outside, breathe some fresh air (through your mask), and say “Hi” to your neighbor —- from 6 feet away. And repeat after me: “This too shall pass.”

5 responses to “When Will It All End?”

  1. Patricia L. Jason Avatar

    Yes Pete, this too shall pass and with the Grace of God we will all survive this terrible virus. Stay safe and enjoy your precious Grandson Liam.

  2. Peg Britton Avatar
    Peg Britton

    Yes, we are all anxious for this to end …would be nice to go out when you felt like going out ! Luckily where we are in SWFL it hasn’t been hit too hard but still all is closed including the beaches … here, we have had good weather to at least be outside.
    schools are closed for the rest of the year also …Just hope that when things open gradually people use common sense.

  3. Yvette Gracie Avatar
    Yvette Gracie

    They have already cancelled the NB Relay for Life and it is usually at the end of June. They are replacing it with an on line event that will run for 6 hours. As a Survivor, I look forward to my chance each year to see other Survivors that I do not see else where and to catch up on how everyone is doing. There are many truly moving moments during the Relay and I always feel it is my chance to recharge my batteries for another year. I guess this is part of the “new normal” at least for this year. Stay safe & be careful everyone!

  4. Russ Chamberlain Avatar
    Russ Chamberlain

    Yes Pete this too will pass and it will be interesting to see how it play out. So glad I have my faith and empowerment ministry to fall back on and to do. So is the Salvation Army glad and the new venue for 5 C Empowerment ministry to operate out of. God’s blessings to you look forward to your columns brightening my day when they come. God bless

  5. Dorothy Avatar

    We are in FLORIDA .I’m sick of it also .It sure is different .We do have 6 people 6ft apart in the driveway. Spray the house .Wash the door knobs is an everyday thing .

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