The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Woof Wednesday

Hi guys! It’s me, Oscar the Beagle.

Guess what, guess what, guess what? No it’s not my health. I’m feeling better.

No it’s not my mom Sarah. I guess she’s going to have a puppy soon.

The other day it was REFILL THE KIBBLE DAY! It’s just the best day ever!

Grammy and Grampy feed us every day out of these big containers in the cabinet. Mine is white and Baxter’s is not white. I’m color blind remember? I just know shades. We have two different containers because Baxter has a sensitive tummy. Me? Not so much.

When the level of food gets low I get sad. But then…..Grammy and Grampy come home from a store and they just FILL IT RIGHT BACK TO THE TOP! It’s unreal! Grammy fills it back up and I try to lick the air, it’s just so good!

Yeah I guess I’m getting better. I had to go back to the Vet every couple of days. He would listen to my lungs with those ear things that Grammy uses on the ambulance. He has to check my temperture every time which is no fun let me tell you. I just kind of stand there and stare into space. He does it right there in the examining room. Talk about no dignity. I still take some different medicine I think but it still tastes the same to me with my peanut butter and cracker.

Grampy says this new medicine makes me more hungry. I don’t know if it does or not because I’m only hungry when I’m awake. And when I’m asleep I dream of cheeseburgers. Big, plump, cheeseburgers with cheese just oozing over the sides. What were we talking about?

Uncle Matt caught me Friday night. Grammy was working on the ambulance saving lives and making a difference. Grampy was off talking at a football game or something.

There was this plate on the dining room table. Now……. a plate on a table USUALLY means there’s food on that plate that’s on the table right? Sooooo, I’ve discovered that if you nudge the dining room chair just a little bit you can give yourself enough room to HOP UP onto the chair. Then, if you keep your back legs on the chair you should be able to prop your front legs on the table. Trust me. It works. Although you only have two legs so you might be on your own.

When I looked into this plate there were little round things there. I’m thinking, “Meatballs are round, maybe they are little meatballs.”

Are you ready for this? They were rocks! Grammy calls them “decorative stones.” My, my, aren’t we fancy? Who puts ROCKS in a plate, on the table?

Uncle Matt came downstairs about that time and made me get down. He said, “Why are you eating the green rocks?” HELLO????? Color-blind remember?

Plate + round things = grapes, cherries, mini-meatballs, malted milk balls, maybe cheeseballs. Hey! I know my foods.

It should never be Plate + round things = ROCKS! Or “decorative stones!”

Grampy says I’m going to end up looking like Garfield, whatever that means.

So yeah I guess things are getting back to normal. I walked into the Vets office yesterday and said hello to all the ladies. One of them said, “Well Oscar you’re scampering around like normal. It’s good to see you feeling better.” What can I say? The ladies like me.

I’m back to my walks again too. It’s good to get out and smell stuff again. Grampy doesn’t let me stay outside too long at night. He says I have to watch out for the black kitty cat with the white stripe down his back. Which I don’t really undestand because I can get along with just about anybody.

Oh well.

One response to “Woof Wednesday”

  1. Peg Britton Avatar
    Peg Britton

    Hi Oscar!
    glad you are on the mend :>) it’s nat’l cheeseburger day so sweet dreams !!

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