The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Woof Wednesday and a Cranky Oscar

Hi guys! It’s me…..Oscar the Beagle and I just have to say OH. MY. GOD! (That’s how you say it right?) Grampy better get back here soon. Everything is messed up!

He’s still at Sarah’s house for another week or so and these people back here are not getting the schedule right. I’m sure he left a memo.

I think I told you before about our schedule: Grampy gets up around 8 or 9 or whatever o’clock and we go downstairs for kibble. Then he showers and gets dressed and we do medicine time. That’s when I get the magic peanut butter on a cracker. Boy that stuff’s good. See if your vet will recommend it.

Then I go outside about eleventeen times in between naps and then it’s suppertime. That’s followed by more napping and a little begging and then we do medicine time around ten and then go up to the big bed.

Well! Grammy does pretty good but when she has to go to that job thing Uncle Matt takes care of us and I don’t know what this thing called college is…. but it’s really interfering with my kibble. Sometimes it’s early, sometimes it’s late. Sometimes Uncle Matt does medicine time, sometimes it’s Grammy. Sometimes if Uncle Matt doesn’t have that college thing I have to jump off the big bed and go over to his room and scratch at the door to say, “Morning! Any chance of kibble anytime soon? Huh? Hello!”

They could solve this whole issue if they just left the kibble outside the cabinet with the cover off. I’ll just take care of myself, thank you very much. I’m sure I could make that container last….about a day…maybe two.

The other big news this week was the super Bowl never showed up. All day Grammy kept saying the super Bowl was coming soon and we even had people come over to the house and grampy was on that FaceTime thing. Supper came and I just had my usual bowl. Nothing Super about that! I kept thinking maybe it was going to be huge or something but NOPE!

There was all kinds of good food though as my people watched that Sunday game thing. I miss grampy though because nobody dropped nothing. He’s usually good for a few chips, maybe a bisquit.

I guess the football thing wasn’t going too well because my humans were all nervous and tense. Uncle Matt got excited later on when a thing called Gronk did something good. And they kept talking about a goat but I never saw one. And yes I know what a goat looks like. I change the channel to Animal Planet when Grammy falls asleep.

Everybody ended the night being happy though and they were giving each other high fives because I guess the snacks were real good.

I miss the guy. Don’t tell him though, it will just go to his head.

Grampy said he was coming home on Valentine’s Day which of course does me no good because I don’t know when that is. Hopefully it’s tomorrow because these people can’t follow directions at all. I don’t know if Baxter and I should share the old guy again.

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