The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Woof Wednesday: Trying to Understand Football

Hi guys! It’s me — Oscar the Beagle — just trying to figure out this Football Sunday Funday thing.

I know it’s Sunday because that’s the only day Grandpy doesn’t wear his sneakers. He dresses nice for church and then comes home and puts on his sweat pants.

It’s not like that World Serious thing we had in October, this only happens one day a week. The field looks different and they use a different kind of ball, if you can call that a ball. I don’t think I’ve ever played fetch with anything like that.

Yeah so it happens every Sunday. Some people come over, like Auntie Kat and Uncle Josh and our friends from down the street. They all have these shirts on with numbers, they sit in the same seats every week and boy can they get loud! They get loud if the guy on the field plays catch with another guy especially if he doesn’t drop it.

A couple of times there was a guy who KICKED the ball! Now, I know I was never good at sports but I know how to play fetch. You don’t kick the ball! It was really weird: he was trying to kick the ball and I think all the other guys were trying to tell him he wasn’t supposed to. A bunch of them tried to stop him from kicking it.

And, if you were watching, did you ever see a goat? The announcer guys kept saying, “That’s why he’s the goat,” but I never saw a goat. Yes I know what a goat looks like. Late at night I sometimes watch Animal Planet. Don’t tell grandpy.

I guess there’s a goat and there is a big thing called a Gronk. Everybody was cheering when he caught the ball.

It’s another confusing time for me and Baxter. When something happens in the game that the humans get all excited about they jump up and down and cheer which makes us want to join in so we start to jump around and bark and they tell us to calm down. No one tells them to calm down.

Did I mention the snacks? Every time we have one of these Sunday Funday things there’s tons of food! Chips and dips and some stuff that’s hot. I know that because one hit the floor once. (If it hits the floor it’s mine.)I have my usual spot and I guess by now you know where that is: right next to Grandpy whose a big klutz! He doesn’t balance the paper plates too well.

I guess there’s another game this week because they all said something about coming back and make sure they all wear the same thing. I’m all set as far as that goes.

Oh did I tell you that the other night grandpy walked into the kitchen with just his socks on? I mean he had pants too he wasn’t in his underwear (this time). He noticed how cold the tile floor was and looked at me and said, “We gotta get you some slippers!” I’m really afraid he’s gonna order me something stupid.

Good luck to the Goat and the Gronk this Sunday! Maybe if it’s a real good game they won’t notice if I finish the snacks.

Enough with the camera, let me in.

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