The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

You Have To Make The Change


I read a motivational quote last week that has stuck with me. I’ve learned to listen to that small inner voice over the years. It only took until I was in my 40s to learn to pay attention.

The quote was, “Nothing changes if nothing changes.” That’s it.

Now at first glance you might think, “Well that’s stupid. There’s nothing to it.”

However, if you think about it, it is pretty powerful.

I don’t know how many times over the years that the younger me wanted change but never did anything to make it happen. I wanted to lose weight but still ate the cookies. I wanted a new job but never went farther than reading the want ads. “Networking? No, I don’t like doing that.”

I know a few people who are struggling right now. They struggle with their finances, they struggle with their jobs or they struggle with addictions.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

You can’t experience change in your life if you keep doing everything the same way you’ve always done things.

“I just don’t have enough hours in my day!” is said by someone who sleeps until 10 a.m. on weekends. Even if you sleep until 6 a.m. get up at 5 a.m. for awhile. You’ll be amazed at how much you can do while the rest of the world sleeps.

“I wish I could get in shape but I have no time!” You have the same 24-hours as the people who are in shape so what are you doing with that time? Napping? On your phone? Binge-watching Netflix?

I was thinking about Tom Brady today. Here’s a guy who appears to have everything and we might be tempted to say, “Well he’s lucky. He has all the money and fame and the gorgeous family. He can afford all that.” But he made a choice.

Tom will turn 41 next month. He doesn’t need to train like he does. I’m sure he doesn’t need anymore money and he already has enough trophies to fill a room. He’s at the point where he should be eating and drinking whatever he wants and just enjoying life. But he made a choice.

He chooses to maintain his diet and exercise regimine to achieve what he wants. How many of us are willing to make the necessary changes to achieve what we want?

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

If you continue to sleep late, not exercise, hang out with the same negative people, refuse to reach out, refuse to grow—- you’ll continue to be in the same place, with the same circumstances.

In a way, I was blessed to have my stroke. I know, what? I don’t always look at it that way but sometimes I do.

My life did change, so I had to also. Oh I fought it, and sometimes still do, but I couldn’t do some of the things I used to. I still can’t. I miss it but I’ve got to move on or I’ll go crazy.

I’ve heard from friends about relatives who have had a health set back and they’re bitter. They just constantly complain about what they can’t do or they don’t want anyone to see them like this. I have my bitter days, still do. However I’ve learned that they will pass and you’ve got to focus on what you can do. And as far as “seeing me like this?” I am what I am. This is all I got.

Please don’t wait for a life-changing event.

If you’re not happy with some area of your life, change your approach. Yes it would be nice if you could just wave a magic wand and have it appear but that ain’t gonna happen.

I’m sure there are some people that could use a miracle from above but I think God is busy with people that are really in need and, besides that, he gave you the free will to figure it out.

Nothing changes if nothing changes… change something.


The Braley Blog posts just about every day with a short message or two then a look at some stories in the news. We look back at this day in history and share a thought for the day.

Today’s thought:

If it doesn’t open…it’s not your door.”

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