Grandson Teaches Me To Live In The Moment
My 3-year old grandson continues to teach me lessons even though he’s 2,052 miles away. I’ve mentioned this before how babies and toddlers live in the now. They are hungry NOW. They are tired NOW and whatever they want, they want it NOW! Young children don’t worry about the future or spend time living in…
Staying In The Moment
The most important thing you’re doing is what you’re doing right now. That has been one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned being Grampnanny for my grandson. I really got a glimpse of that this week. How’s the weather? While you have been having cold and snowy weather, we’ve had rain. And more rain. And…
Right Now! That Should Be Our Focus.
I was thinking this week – which can sometimes be a scary thing – about how I really need to focus on what is happening RIGHT NOW! I’ve alluded to this before but I really tried to put it to work this week. I was sitting on the new pool deck at my son’s house…
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