The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

God’s Country – Where Is Yours?

I have walked by this view hundreds, if not thousands, of times since we moved here in the 80’s. Once again, the beauty of this spot made me stop, appreciate it and then take a picture to share.

This is at the bottom of Bonney Street in Fairhaven where you turn onto Cove. That’s always been our walking route with the dogs going back a few decades.

I love the beach, always have. Priscilla walks the dog two or three times a day, something our puppy Charlie doesn’t seem to mind at all. I’m usually up for one, maybe two. She’ll often head out with an excited puppy (they have to be first) with me trailing behind and say, “Which way do you want to go?” Nine times out of ten I choose the beach. The only time we don’t go there is if we had a lot of rain because the dirt roads can be wet and muddy.

Can I say it? “God’s Country!” I know it’s been said before. What does “God’s Country” actually mean?

Oh Google???

God’s Country
1. An area, especially a rural area, which is seen as peaceful or favorable.
2. The outdoors, especially when seen as favorable.

I have a cousin in Maine who claim that’s where you find God’s Country and I won’t argue with him. I think God’s Country is basically anywhere you are at peace and feel God’s presence.

For me it’s the ocean.

I’m also amazed that no matter how many times I have walked by that view… it’s always different. It might be cloudy or clear and sunny like it was this day. The surf might be rough if there’s wind or a storm. It might be calm and the sea is like glass if there was no wind. This day had just a slight breeze. And the angle of the sun makes a difference. It’s never the same.

I hope you have a spot like I do. Somewhere you can go and no matter how old you are or how many times you’ve seen the same view … still stop and take it all in because it’s awesome!

To still be amazed even when you’re just taking the pup for a walk. Truly a blessing.

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2 responses to “God’s Country – Where Is Yours?”

  1. Diane Hahn Avatar
    Diane Hahn

    Mine is Rockland Maine. I was born and raised here in the Southcoast my family roots were established in Rockland Maine. I would go there frequently to visit my grandfather who was a lobsterman. I spent many days on the docks, in his garden at the Rockland Breakwater and at Owls Head & Marshall Point lighthouses with him. He passed 23 years ago but he is with me everyday, especially when I go to Maine.

  2. Katrina Avatar

    What a beautiful picture! It’s exceptionally pretty today with the sun shining. That’s what keeps me here. During the worst events in my life I have gone to sit down there and find solace. I agree, it is absolutely God’s country.

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