The changes have started.
I touched on this before when the quarantine began. I wondered if some companies would find that a smaller support staff proved to be just fine so they wouldn’t hire everyone back. I’m noticing that some companies are staying with their work-at-home mode for at least part of the week.
Last week we went out for breakfast at one of our favorite spots here in Virginia Beach. It’s a place called “Egg Bistro” and when we sat down, the hostess pointed to something on the tables and said we just open our cameras and the phone would read the “QR” code and pull up the menu. No more handheld menus.
Ever wonder if the last person who held your menu sneezed on it?
Speaking of sneezing: my son Doug was wondering if he could ask Dr. Fauci the proper protocol for sneezing while he has a mask on. If you leave the mask on, well…..that just gets messy. If you take the mask off is it still acceptable to sneeze into your arm near your elbow? Are you supposed to hold it until you get outside? That could take awhile. “Dr. Fauci! What do I do?”
Where was I?
We’ve probably seen the end of snow days now that schools have found a way to do it virtually. No more watching the banner on the TV screen waiting for your town to come up in alphabetical order. Or hitting “refresh” on the school’s website or waiting for that “robo-call.” Just make sure the Chromebook gets charged up overnight to join your zoom classroom.
Zoom church has worked very well for some. I still feel like something is missing but it has been nice to roll out of bed and pull up church on the laptop. Some churches have a brief worship on YouTube that you can watch whenever. Sleep-in Sunday morning and check it out after football. Sometimes I watch Sunday night when it’s quiet.
I never thought about blowing out birthday candles until Coronavirus came around. I never realized how gross that actually was. I’ve also written about handshakes. I’m okay with not doing that anymore. Maybe an elbow tap or my favorite: the nod. “Hey! How YOU doin?” I do miss hugs but at least now you can be more selective. Go ahead if you know the person or put your hands up if you don’t. “Nope! Can’t do that anymore!”
I know I’m making light about what’s been a frustrating time for many but I guess it’s just my way of coping with it. I do like how airlines keep the middle seat empty but I know that won’t last. Curbside pick up has been pretty cool. And that six foot separation is nice in stores so you don’t have people bumping into you at the checkout or breathing down your neck.
Will we go back to normal or will there be a “new normal?” Personally I hope there’s a new normal with lessons we’ve learned. Yeah. That sounds good.
Are there other changes that you’ve noticed? What do you think? Good or bad?
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