The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Woof Wednesday

Hi guys! It’s me, Oscar the Beagle and I’m back! Well actually I never went anywhere, except to the Vet, but I’m back from being sick.

I guess it was pretty serious. Grammy says I had “Aspiration Pneumonia” or something like that. She uses those big medical words. I don’t think I swallowed any Aspirators but you never know. All I know is I felt big time yucky. I gave Grampy a scare I guess because last Monday when he filled my bowl I just sniffed it and walked away. Yeah! Me! Can you believe it?! I even saw him pick up the bowl and sniff it too to see if it went bad. HA! He looked silly. I wonder if he would have tasted it? That would have been funny. Then at dinnertime I didn’t even get off my bed.

Yeah I was pretty sick for a couple days. I had to go back and forth to the Vet for a few days and I didn’t even care. I was like, “We’re going out Grammy? Okay. You drive this time, I’ll just sleep here.

The doctor says I have to rest. For a few days I was getting carried upstairs to bed. That was kind of nice! We have a lot of stairs when you realize I have such little legs. Grammy or Uncle Matt carried me up to bed. That was cool! They stopped doing it after a couple of days though. They said I was getting better. Darn it!

The doctor gave me some new medicine. I don’t know what it is but Grampy says he hopes I don’t get “Roid Rage.” We just humor him and giggle. I couldn’t even take any medicine when I was at the Vet that first day. They stuck a needle or something in my leg and put it in that way. THEY SHAVED MY LEG! I’m just glad I have nothing formal planned for this month and it should grow back in time for the holidays.

Yeah so the medicine went in my leg which I thought was stupid because my leg felt fine but what do I know. Now that I’m better I’m back to my crackers and peanut butter.

I can’t go on any walks until maybe next week. That’s a bummer because Baxter gets to go and smell everything. Not me. Grampy stays with me so I won’t be lonely and then he goes for his walk later. I told him he could use my leash but he never takes it. I guess the color doesn’t match his hat.

So yeah I’m gettin’ better. Grampy had some cookies the other night and I hopped right up on his belly. Sarah, my mom, started that when I was a puppy. She used to eat the inside of the Oreos and she gave me the shells. I still do it with Grampy but he gets grumpy and there’s nothing worse than a grumpy Grampy.

Oh I’m doing much better with that Roomba thing. I think it helped that I was sick as I was getting used to it.

It would go by me and I was so sick I just figured, “Whatever.” I just go somewhere else if it bothers me. I guess it’s not trying to eat me after all.

Well I gotta get going. Grammy said I lost three pounds when I was sick and I’m determined to put those back!

Woof Wednesday is the world through the eyes of 11-year old Oscar the Beagle. Oscar lives in Fairhaven with Pete, Priscilla, Uncle Matt and his best buddy Baxter the Golden Retriever.

4 responses to “Woof Wednesday”

  1. Peg Britton Avatar
    Peg Britton

    Good news Oscar that you are back to snacking and feeling so much better …take it easy on grumpy grampy though…if you gain those 3 lbs. back and jump on his belly, he might never share his oreos with you again..(hint) …just look at him with those puppy dog eyes and beg …that should work :>)

  2. Gloria Baker Avatar
    Gloria Baker

    Glad to hear Oscar is doing well. So cute! Enjoy his stories so much. Stay well Oscar! 🦴🍪

  3. Heidi Jane Bettencourt Avatar

    Adorable!I can just picture the thoughts running though his head. So glad he is on the mend. Our pets are our family.My 109lb rescue Sadie scares people because she is large and has a big bark, but she’s as gentle as a lamb.

    1.  Avatar

      Heidi, We had a Rottweiller/Husky/Shepard mix once. Scared everyone but was a gentle giant.

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