The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

I Find People Amazing

I think I’ve always been a people watcher and I have to ask: “Is there any place on earth that’s better for it than the airport?”

Yes, I guess it’s a bit judgemental but I mean no harm. I’m just observing people and wondering. Wondering what their life Is like, what is their story?

Airports are great because there are so many different people from so many different places.


For those that don’t know, I was in Virginia Beach recently watching the dogs for my daughter and son-in-law. When it was time to fly home I went from Norfolk, VA to Baltimore on a plane that was continuing on to Raleigh-Durham, NC. Did you get that? The people traveling SOUTH to North Carolina had to go NORTH to Maryland to change planes and go SOUTH to North Carolina. But, if you’re a regular flyer, I’m sure you’re used to strange connections.

I was people watching in Norfolk but had even more time waiting for my connecting flight in Baltimore.

You always see your business travelers. They are either dressed in very nice suits and dresses or casual slacks with a nice sport coat. They know the drill. The have slip-on loafers to get through security and if they’re not on their laptop they have a Bluetooth in their ear and they’re busy talking to someone. (“Do I have any messages? No? Well then SEND ME SOME.!”) They have a confident stride and don’t have to look at all the overhead signs because they probably make this run every week.


Next is the stressed family either on vacation or traveling to see the grandparents. There’s always a mom or dad running laps around the gate area because the little ones won’t sit still for those layovers. Either that or they’re camped out having a picnic in the corner. (“Eat these carrot sticks mommy packed. I’m not paying $4 for a candy bar!”)

There’s a wide range of young people that fly.

You’ll see young men and women who are in great shape. I usually figure they’re in the military or athletes. A group of young people will often be a college team on a road trip and you can usually tell because they wear some team apparel. Around the holidays or a long weekend, I always think of the college student going home for a visit.

It’s fun when you’re sitting at the airport in shorts because it’s 87 degrees and people get off a plane with jackets and sweaters on. “Well they weren’t around here this morning.”

I see plenty of people who have never traveled before or not too often. Nothing against them but they don’t know how this works. How to navigate security or how to find their gate. When to get in line or the fact that when they say “We’re going to serve a snack,” they don’t mean what any other human would consider a snack.

I like to see the older couples travelling together maybe to see the grandchildren or to escape the north for the winter.

I salute my fellow handicapped travelers. We socialize a bit in our wheel chair line. “What happened to you?” “Where are you off to?” “That’s a nice chair you have there.”

I’ve always been amazed when I think how every one of these people has their own amazing story. We’re all dealing with something.

So if you see me looking your way, I’m not trying to be rude. I’m just wondering.

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