The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

If There Was A Color For March I Bet It Would Be Gray!

Once again it has arrived…the (dreaded) month of March! (Insert ominous music here).

If you’ve followed me for any length of time you know that March is my least favorite month. The reason is pretty simple: the weather STINKS! I actually do okay with January and February, maybe because we expect cold wintry weather. Then March arrives and you start thinking about Spring and warmer weather but it is still a long way off. I know we sometimes get a nice day but it is usually cloudy, windy, gray and dreary and there’s always the chance of rain or sometimes even snow. 

You start to hear people say, “March 20th is the first day of Spring!” And then it’s usually cloudy and 34 degrees with 30 mph wind gusts! Oh and it sometimes brings rain for weeks at a time!

Last year I finally did something about it. I left!

My daughter, Sarah, her husband and my grandson relocated to Corpus Christi, Texas a few years ago thanks to the U.S. Navy. Last year my wife, Priscilla, said, “Why don’t you go visit for the month?” I haven’t done the whole month yet but I did go last year for three weeks and I’m doing the same this year. A month just seems so long and I miss my wife. And my dog. Those three weeks though were just enough.

Corpus Christi is in South Texas. They do experience some winter weather but it’s usually in January or February and it lasts about a week or two. That’s usually when my New England-born-and-raised daughter takes out a sweater or hoodie while her co-workers and neighbors wear heavy coats, hats and mittens.

March in South Texas brings a high temperature of 75 to 80 degrees. I’m not gonna lie…. I try to sit outside everyday and get my thirty minutes of Vitamin D. It feels amazing! You may put on jeans in the morning but it’s shorts and a tee shirt by midday. Ahhhhh! Feels great for these arthritic bones.

I was looking back at some old posts and I’ve written a few about my “love” for March. 

Side note: I recently discovered I’ve been writing these columns for ten years now! The Standard Times started running my Sunday Column back in 2015. Wow!

So where was I? Oh yeah! The archives!

March 2015

I walked outside the other day and thought, “If there’s a color for March I bet it’s…..GRAY!”

I don’t know how I got the idea of assigning a color for each month. Let’s see:

January: White for cold and snow.

February: Red for hearts and Valentines.

March: Yeah, gray.

April: Something pastel?

May: Green for the green grass and new leaves.

June: Yellow for sunshine.

July: Red, white and blue for Independence Day.

August: Orange for the hot sun.

September: Blue for the deep blue sky.

October: Gold and red for the foliage.

November: A yellowish-brown for Thanksgiving and pie.

December: Red and green for Christmas.

Yeah, March is gray! 

March is a tease. You get all excited for spring sports at the high schools but then the tryouts end up in the school gymnasium because it’s too cold or the fields are too muddy. Those early spring games can be a challenge. Bring a blanket! I used to know a mom that kept her winter coat in the car until June. Maybe you can watch some of it from the car with the heater cranked.

You walk through a clothing store and they have shorts and polos out. Really? Who are they kidding?

You can watch some preseason baseball but by the third inning you don’t recognize any of the players unless you follow the WooSox or the Portland Sea Dogs.

March 2025

Oh well! I went up in the attic to get some summer clothes last week and this morning I am waking up in South Texas with my little buddy Liam. We’ve got a lot of shenanigans to get into.

I’ll still be doing my half of “The Breakfast Club with Scott and Pete” on WSAR from Texas. The show ends at 8:00 a.m. central time. Gives me a chance to enjoy a cup of coffee outside on the patio. Opening day for my front porch in Fairhaven is still a few weeks away. 

Miss any previous Sunday Columns? Catch up by clicking here.

4 responses to “If There Was A Color For March I Bet It Would Be Gray!”

  1. Diane Hahn Avatar
    Diane Hahn

    My younger son’s birthday, #27 coming up March 11th
    My all-time favorite man’s (that would be my grandfather, who died 6 weeks after my son was born) birthday is March 18th
    The time sprung 1 hour forward last night
    When I lived in Florida for 12 years March was the last month of each year that I felt comfortable in the weather
    Purim-Palooza! There is a spirit of liveliness and fun on Purim that is unparalleled on the Jewish calendar. If there were ever a day to “let loose” and just be Jewish, this is it!
    My favorite seasons are in this order:
    #4 summer, #3 spring, #2 winter #1FALL

  2. Margaret Britton Avatar
    Margaret Britton

    Hi Pete,
    March is actually one of my favorite months here in SWFL …temps very much the same as Corpus Christi ,…warm and sunny and not humid yet ..and we will be enjoying our coffee on the lanai like you will on the patio :>) I hope you and the family enjoy the March weather here in the South ..

  3. Elizabeth Lacasse Avatar
    Elizabeth Lacasse

    Remember Pete

    “In all this manure there’s gotta be a pony somewhere.”

  4. Katrina Masse Avatar
    Katrina Masse

    Have a great visit with Sarah and her guys! Enjoy the warm weather!

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