Being around positive people just makes me feel so good. Is it the same with you?
Recently I went to Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational High School to broadcast a high school basketball game. I’m not gonna lie: It was a cold night where I would have much rather curled up under a warm blanket and watched a movie but…I had a game. I went into the gym to find my seat at the broadcast table with my friend Ed Pereira when I noticed that Ed was having a conversation with another gentleman. No problem, I’ll just wait a minute and get myself organized.
I couldn’t help but overhear the man who was one of the assistant coaches. He was so positive as he talked about what they try to do with the student athletes, how they coach them and approach the challenges they face. He was so positive even when acknowledging the tough issues some of these kids deal with.
I think that’s a big factor in this: by thinking positive you will still face challenges but it’s how you react to those challenges that can make a world of difference.
Are you a positive person? I try to be but I will admit to looking at the glass as half empty sometimes instead of half full. It’s not always easy.
However, think back to a time when you were with a positive person. Maybe it was a teacher, coach, Pastor, or, if you were lucky, your boss. I don’t know about you but I always felt good just being around them. You were happy to see them walk into a room and sad when they left.
It was the same with that assistant coach the other night. He got up out of my chair and excused himself saying he had to leave and I thought, “No. Please don’t go! Stay awhile. Let me soak up some of this positivity!” Lord knows there’s not enough in this world sometimes.
I did a quick Google search today for quotes about being around positive people and there was no shortage of links.
“Good things happen in your life when you surround yourself with positive people.” Roy Bennett
“I honestly love being around positive people. You’re not judged, there’s no drama, everyone just wants to relax and have a nice time.” Tamara Kulish
“Be so positive that negative people don’t want to be around you.” Tamara Kulish
Now I’m not naive enough to think that all I have to do is have a positive attitude and all my troubles will go away. In fact I read another quote that said, “Positive people also have negative thoughts. They just don’t allow those thoughts to control them.”
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve tried to be positive but then something comes up to derail my plans. In actuality, I LET something derail my thoughts and plans. I guess it truly is in the way we react to things.
The next time you are blessed to be with a truly positive person, take a breath and enjoy it. And if you’re not already, why not try to be that person in someone else’s life.
Can’t hurt!
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