The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

There Is Good In Every Day!

We hear it said so many times: “Have a nice day!” 

Truth is … not every day is going to be a good day. In fact, you may go weeks without what you would call a good day. However, if you look closely, you just might find something good in every day.

I was reminded of this earlier in the week when I read a quote from Alice Morse Earl. She wrote:

I’m sure there were times in my life when I would have told Alice, “Oh yeah? Well spend a day in my shoes sister!”

However, the older I get (and hopefully wiser), I look at things differently.

I can be having the worse day ever. 

They mess up my coffee order at the coffee shop in the morning. Usually by putting sugar in it when I specifically say “No sugar!” 

I hit every red light on the way to the doctor.

I get to my doctor’s appointment only to wait almost an hour in the waiting room. 

I stop for ice cream in the afternoon only to have it drip on my new sneakers. They just happen to be white and I just happen to be eating chocolate ice cream. With sprinkles, of course. 

When it comes time to make dinner I realize I have all of the ingredients for my special chicken dish…EXCEPT THE CHICKEN!!

 Then my phone rings and it’s a FaceTime from my grandson who says, “I can’t wait to see you!” He’s smiling and just so excited about whatever is going on right in front of him.

I’ve had my share of bad days. I have spent numerous hours recovering from a variety of surgeries. Sometimes you can’t sleep well at night because of the pain at the incision. You wake up in the morning grumpy after only a few hours of sleep. Just getting yourself washed and dressed is a major challenge and just when you want to be mad at the world….a good friend stops by just to say “Hi!”

Look closely. I’m sure you can find something good in every day.

It may be just the sun shining in your window. A butterfly landing right in front of you. The daffodils in your front yard. Hitting every green light on your way across town. Someone who makes you laugh when all you want to do is complain and be angry at the world.

I had something neat happen the other night. We were having a good day while vacationing in Texas but I was tired! I was counting the hours until I could go to bed. Just then my son-in-law set up his telescope in the front yard and called us all outside to see Saturn. He and my grandson are having a lot of fun with their telescope. I had never seen Saturn before and looking up into the Texas night sky I was amazed looking at that small dot and you could actually see the ring around it! I could have just sat inside, tired after a long day where we took a ranch tour but I was so happy I went out and experienced that small event that had such a big impact.

That’s the key I think. Sometimes you have to get up off that couch to enjoy those good things. You may have to venture out of your comfort zone but I promise you it will be well worth it.

So to quote good old Alice again:

“Every day may not be good…. but there is something good in every day.”

How about this? The next time you’re having what you think is a bad day… look around. I’ll bet you can find at least one good thing.

Catch up on previous Sunday Columns by clicking here.

2 responses to “There Is Good In Every Day!”

  1. bill howe Avatar
    bill howe

    did you know the * janitor *of wsar? he did over night shift

  2. Katrina Masse Avatar
    Katrina Masse

    Inspiring words!

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