The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

How Long Can It Last?

The weather in Southern New England has been FANTASTIC the last few days or maybe it’s even the last couple of weeks! I’ve always felt like we have some of our best weather in September. For the most part the humidity is gone, the sky is a deep blue (except for the wildfire smoke that finds it’s way here) and the cool nights are followed by warm afternoons.

This year though has been terrific.

For those readers who live in other parts of the country, and yes I do appreciate you, we have had several days of sunny and 72 degrees. I heard one commentator say that this is what it must feel like to live in San Diego. I wouldn’t know but I do have friends in Chula Vista, CA so maybe they can comment.

(Recent WPRI radar map shows clear skies over New England.)

I realized last night while broadcasting a football game that I haven’t even had to go to the hoodie yet in my high school football “Go-Bag.” And yes, I have one. That backpack has just about everything you could need for a high school broadcast based on decades of time spent in the booth. There’s always a hoodie, a bottle of water, some duct tape, countless pens and highlighters, tissues, cough drops, Chapstick, Tums, binoculars and whatever else I’ve thrown in there.

September is also the time of year when you end up with two or three jackets or sweatshirts left at work because you need it in the morning but not in the afternoon. The next morning you find yourself running late saying, “Where did I leave…??? Oh yeah!’

While I am truly enjoying this weather, like most New Englanders, I can’t resist thinking, “We’re going to pay for this when winter comes!”

Maybe not!

Scott Reiniche and I have the pleasure of talking live to meteorologist Rob Carolan several times a morning on WSAR and I mentioned that to him this week.

Rob said, “When La Nina develops in the summer, many times it leads to warm, dry weather developing late in the summer and into the fall as long as we don’t get the tropics sending moisture our way.” Rob went on to say, “It may try to hang on into October but some of the (computer) models are suggesting a turn towards wetter weather by the end of next week.” He also said, “Everything I’m seeing, data-wise for the winter, is suggesting warmer and wetter than normal. There may be brief interludes of colder temperatures but nothing that looks to last too long.”

That would be nice.

I find the older I get the more I dislike snow. I used to think, “If it has to be cold, it might as well snow.” Now…. not so much. I never really enjoyed slipping and sliding but since my stroke, falling is not an option. And I already struggle with balance some days, I don’t need any help from an icy patch.

As I write this I look out at my lawn that is slowly turning brown. My son does the lawn mowing nowadays and he’s okay with that. Living by the ocean the lawn often turns brown in July from the sun and salt in the air but it stayed green this year until recently. We may have to water the outside flowers a little more frequently but if that’s what we have to do to enjoy all these sunny days I’ll make that adjustment. So far there have been no water restrictions from my town.

I know “All good things must come to an end” but for now…. let’s just enjoy it while we can. If I have to wait another week or so before I dig out the flannel shirts… that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.

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