The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

One Day or Day One. You Choose!

Sometimes word structure amazes me. That’s probably understandable since I spend most of my time either writing or speaking for a living but I read something this week that was so simple, yet powerful.

It was a meme posted by my friend Jon Stetson.

At first glance you might think, “Huh! Cute!”

Let’s look into it.

If you’re like me, you have probably found yourself saying, “One day I’ll ______ “ (fill in the blank). 


“We’ll have to get together sometime!” And then you never do.

There are many ways we can use that saying.

One day I’ll quit smoking.” Or….”This is day one of me not smoking.”

One day I’ll try to lose some weight.” Or… “This is day one of my weight loss journey.”

One day I’ll find more time to spend with my children.” Or… “This is day one of making time for my family.”

It’s just a simple change in your perspective or your priorities. So why do we make it so difficult?

Might it come down to that simple, yet difficult, word…. commitment?

It’s EASY to say “One day I’ll _______” but then to actually START the process? “Ohhhh I’m not ready for that! That might actually take commitment and getting serious about something. That might be too much work! I might actually have to change the way I do things!” And we do hate change don’t we?

What are you afraid of? Sure you might fail but there’s no reason you can’t start again if you struggle. No one is keeping score expect you. And if your answer is, “I’m not ready yet.” Okay. When do you think you MIGHT be ready? Are you just afraid to start?

Why not take notice this week of the number of times you say, “One day…..” Maybe it’s time you make this “Day One.”

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