The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Your Perspective Changes

I came across a quote this week that made me think. (That seems to happen to me a lot, I know.)

“When you have more years behind you than ahead of you, you think about life differently.”

I can think of a couple different reactions to that line.

“Why are you thinking like that?”


“True dat!”

Let’s be real: I’m 63. I seriously doubt I’ve got 63 years left on this planet. 

Oh I’m not being Mr. Gloom-and-Doom. I intend to enjoy whatever the good Lord blesses me with but your perspective definitely changes.

I’m done trying to impress people. This is me. I’d love to be friends but if you’re not interested, I really don’t care.

I’m done chasing ratings at the radio station. I enjoy my mornings with my friend and partner Scott Reiniche and if you want to listen we’d love to have you. However, if you listen or watch something else in the morning, that’s fine. You do you. I’ll still be here as long as they want me.

I think the older we get the more we realize what’s worth our effort and what’s not. Well, hopefully. I know some who seem to never realize that and, hey, if you’re happy go for it!  See? I don’t worry about that stuff anymore.

Yes when I was younger I worried about a lot. I was constantly trying to get better. I wanted more money. More recognition. More stuff. And when I got more stuff I wanted better stuff.

It’s not that I don’t care anymore,  I guess I’m just more selective with the things I care about. I’ve learned that I can’t change the whole world. If I can control my little corner I’m happy with that.

My priorities have definitely changed. A stroke will do that to you. Well for some of us. Others fight it and refuse to accept it. More on that next week.

I’ll admit I do try to tell my children not to sweat the small stuff. Part of me realizes they probably have to figure it out for themselves just like I did. I guess that’s just the way things work.

So yeah, “When you have more years behind you than ahead of you, you think about life differently.” 

And you know what? That’s okay!

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3 responses to “Your Perspective Changes”

  1. Peg Rogers Avatar
    Peg Rogers

    You are so right Pete

  2. Margaret Britton Avatar
    Margaret Britton

    you are so right …your perspective changes as one ages …we don’t need to impress anyone.. just be decent to others and let’s bring the ‘joy’ back to everyday life !

  3. Angie Gastall Avatar
    Angie Gastall

    That’s so true, Pete. If we could just realize earlier in life that everything passes in due time we might be happier or at least not so intense about unimportant things.
    Thanks for the blog.

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