The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Smile! It Doesn’t Take Much Work

I saw a video on TikTok this week and while I don’t know if it’s a true story — it is a pretty good message.

The content creator is named Sarah Tonen. See why I question if it’s real? “Serotonin” is one of the natural body chemicals that control your mood.

Anyway, her message is what caught my attention.

Sarah claimed that she used to work for a restaurant where they insisted that every waiter and waitress greet each customer with a smile. No matter what you were going through that day you were to greet EVERY person that came through the door with a smile.

Sarah noticed this one older gentleman who would come in every week, by himself, and enjoy a  meal.

One day he told Sarah that they were the only people that would smile at him during the week. He would go to that restaurant because he knew that when he walked through those doors he would be treated kindly. The man didn’t have family that would check on him. He didn’t have people that would ask, “How are you doing today?” He didn’t get that anywhere else but at the restaurant.

Again, I don’t know if this story is true or not but isn’t that a wonderful story? In some ways it’s sad if you think about how the man didn’t have anyone else smiling at him in his life, but he found kindness at that restaurant.

Do you try to spread smiles every day or are you guilty of having a “resting bitch face?” You may not mean it but — YIKES! You may not even be aware you’re doing it! Or maybe you’re just always in a rush and you don’t have time to think about it.

I try to get people to smile. If I’m out walking the dog and I go by a neighbor or even a stranger I will always send out a greeting or at least a wave. What does it cost me? 

I wave at cars that go by or at least give them the old “head bob.” “Hey! How ya doin’?” I often wonder if the driver goes a few miles wondering, “Do I know that guy?”

That’s always been my goal in all the years I’ve been in morning radio: If I can make one person smile then I’ve done my job. And if I made you laugh — bonus points!

We never know what someone else is going through. The older I get the more I realize we’ve all got something. It’s either money issues or health concerns. Loneliness or pressure from work. Feeling taken-for-granted or ignored. Dealing with chronic pain or depression. I firmly believe that we’re all dealing with something.

Would it trouble you THAT much to give someone a smile?

Say something nice to people or smile. I’ve said it before: You may be the only nice thing that happens to them today. Maybe, just maybe, that’s exactly what they need!

So, was that TikTok I saw real or faked? I don’t really care because the story gave me a good idea. Spread the smiles today. What can it hurt?

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2 responses to “Smile! It Doesn’t Take Much Work”

  1.  Avatar

    I’m enjoying your blogs, Pete. This one is certainly one we can all do for each other in this day and age when there can be so much negativity and hatred. I find that smiling at strangers is almost always rewarded with a return smile and it brightens the day for both of us. Keep smiling 😊.

  2. Diane Hahn Avatar
    Diane Hahn

    I couldn’t agree more, Pete. A few years pre-COVID I
    Made it a habit to speak to at least one stranger a day. I saw strangers most days of the week out doing errands walking the dog etc so it was easy to spot a target and go for it. I stepped it up during the covid years as I worked at a local grocery store and I still saw several strangers most days. Never once have I ever had my starting a conversation turn out to be a negative experience. Soon it became just my everyday behavior and it makes me feel connected because since the onset of electronic socialization people see and interact with each other less and less. Reach out, share a smile and a laugh and a few words.

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