The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Upon Further Review, October Ain’t Bad Either

I’ve written before about how I think September is becoming one of my favorite months. The weather can still be warm but not hot and humid. However, I’ve noticed a few friends posting this week about their love for October and I have to admit that they are winning me over.

The main thing of course is the foliage. I can’t be the only guy that drives down 195 or 140 and says, “The leaves are starting to change!” As if no one in the car would notice if I didn’t point it out. As soon as it turns to fall in September we start thinking of foliage but it never really turns around here until the second or third week in October. Except for that one or two trees. Do you have the same thing in your neighborhood? We have a couple trees on Sconticut Neck Rd in front of the Wood School that are always the first to turn and the first to lose their leaves. Every. Year.

October still has some beautiful days. They may start out chilly but soon enough you can ditch the sweater or jacket, only to need it again around 4 or 5 p.m. And can we talk about the sunsets? They are amazing in October! Ever wonder why? Well if not, I’ll do it for you.

According to a blog by the Weather Channel:

During this time of year, weather patterns allow for dry, clean Canadian air to sweep across country, and more colors of the spectrum make it through to our eyes without getting scattered by particles in the air, producing brilliant sunsets and sunrises that can look red, orange, yellow or even pink.

I never get tired of looking at the pictures friends post. Pictures of the foliage either.

I was walking with my grandson, Liam, the other day when he noticed some leaves on the ground said, “Grampy! The leaves fell down!” That’s when I remembered he’’s been in Virginia, almost near North Carolina, for the autumns he’s experienced. His mom told me they don’t have foliage there. The leaves are on the trees until maybe a big rain storm and then only some of the trees are bare for the winter.

October also brings October baseball though, sadly, not for us Red Sox fans this year. It never seems to fail: whoever is healthy and gets hot late in the season has the best chance of winning it all. The Mets had a great season with over 100 wins yet they never made it out of the first round.

By now football has settled down a bit and we can get a pretty good idea of who’s who though this has been the year of the quarterback injury it seems.

It also seems like we’re back in rhythm after a summer of fun with groups, clubs and at school. The fall sports season is about halfway done and, like the pros, we get an idea of what kind of season it will be.

And lastly, October brings Halloween. I’ve never really been a big fan of Halloween, except for the candy, but I do enjoy seeing the excitement it brings to some children. My daughter, Sarah, makes the costumes for Liam AND for herself. She’s pretty darn creative. My neighbor also has an elaborate yard display every year so that’s fun to see. I should point out that we’re probably due for something else October seems to bring: a Nor’easter! It never fails. As soon as my neighbor puts up his display a storm always seems to hit. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for him!

By the way, I looked it up for you: Why does this season have two names? Is it “autumn” or “fall?” Autumn is what the English call it. Once poets and song writers started to write about the falling leaves we Americans adopted “fall.”

So enjoy your crisp mornings with maybe a neighborhood wood stove going. The deep blue sky and the changing leaves. It’s unfortunate that they all have to fall in your yard after giving us such beautiful scenes after a summer of shade. Oh, and don’t forget to check out that sunset.

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One response to “Upon Further Review, October Ain’t Bad Either”

  1. Corinne Lebeau Avatar
    Corinne Lebeau

    I love the Fall. It’s such beautiful season. God’s painting. Love your stories

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