The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

There’s Good News All Around

I met some nice people this week. In fact, as I thought about that today, I realized that I meet nice people just about every week.

How about you?

This week I did an interview for my next “Classroom Chronicle” show on New Bedford Cable Network. I was able to finally sit down with Cristina Viveiros-Serra, the Principal of St. James-St. John School, and Sandi Duxbury, the Vice President of Marketing and Enrollment for the Catholic School Alliance. The reason for the interview was the merging of SJSJ and Holy Family Holy Name. The new school has been named Saint Teresa of Calcutta School.

One of the things I like to do in these interviews is get to know a little bit about my guests and what drew them to what they’re doing. Most, if not all, have a fascinating story and I just love helping them tell those stories. They may not think it’s a big deal but I almost always find it fascinating.

We need more of that I think.

I know for years people complained that you never hear any good news. You do, but it’s always overshadowed by the bad. There used to be a saying in news, “If it bleeds it leads,” meaning the shootings and the murders always go first and the “good news” stories get bumped if there’s no time.

We were discussing this on “The Pete Braley Show” when my son pointed out that, now, it’s all about “clicks.” Unfortunately a headline like “Tornado Ravishes Town” is probably going to get more clicks than “Woman Follows Dream.”

Many shows at least have a segment dedicated to good news. I’ve heard radio shows that do “Tell Me Something Good Tuesday” and the Bobby Bones Show has a daily feature called “Tell Me Something Good.” Both shows using it as a good excuse to play that song by Rufus and Chaka Khan from the 70s.

Feel-good Friday!

We do a feature called “Feel Good Friday” where we focus on two or three good news stories. It’s just a break from the usual news and it can restore your faith in mankind and remind you, even if just for a minute or two, that there is good in the world.

As I said, I think I meet nice people every week and believe me…it’s a blessing. When I do a high school sports broadcast, sure there are some fans that are over-the-top, but I’ve seen athletes have the game of their lives and it is so amazing to watch. There have been student athletes who hold the door for me or even excuse themselves for doing something silly in front of me when I realize they’re just being kids.

I’ve seen countless teachers who do so much more than what’s asked of them. I’ve been to so-called “tough” schools and met awesome students who are really going places. Are there students who are “problems” in these schools? Probably, but I really think the good outweighs the bad. The bad just gets more publicity especially with social media.

Here’s a thought…

Why not be on the lookout this week for the good?

Is the clerk at the checkout polite or in a great mood? We’re quick to criticize if they’re rude!

Does someone hold the door for you especially when your arms are full? I was struggling with the weight of the door when I went to pick up Burritos the other night. The man behind me came to my rescue right away. He didn’t have to but he did.

Nice people are out there every day. I just think we sometimes get so wrapped up in what we’re doing or have to do that we forget to notice. And to say “Thanks!”

Pay attention this week.

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One response to “There’s Good News All Around”

  1. Denise P Wood Avatar
    Denise P Wood

    Pete, you nailed this one once again. I’ve met so many nice people be it out walking,in a store shopping. They are out there, one just needs to be polite and respectful. As my parents taught me, “If you can’t say anything nice,thrn say nothing at all” or try would say “treat people the way you want to be treated”
    Have a great week!!

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