The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Woof Wednesday- Special

Hi guys! It’s me, Pete, the voice of Oscar the Beagle.

I have some news today and there’s no easy way to say it — Oscar passed away last night. I write it that way because he truly did “pass away.” He went to sleep and just didn’t wake up.

The family broke the news to me this morning. I wasn’t really surprised because he’s had issues with pneumonia and bronchitis. I really thought we were going to lose him in January. He was weak, struggled to breathe and when I tried to give him a little ice cream he turned his head away from it. WHAT?? THIS IS FOOD!

I am sorry that I wasn’t home. I would have snuggled with him last night. Priscilla said he’s been sleeping on or near my pillow for a few weeks. I hope he knows how much I loved him.

Oscar was my rehab buddy. I’ll never forget the day I came home after my stroke. I hadn’t seen the boys for a few weeks and they went crazy welcoming me home. He had his issues that slowed him down just like I did so we kind of understood each other. Cold rainy days were meant for snuggling on the couch.

My son Matt, Uncle Matt to you Woof Wednesday fans, reminded us that Oscar had a pretty good final year. He climbed onto the back of the couch and got a whole platter of fudge. He tore into Milk-Bone packages that were wrapped for Christmas. He chewed up some packages for Sarah’s Baby Shower. He tore into a package of Brown Sugar, discovered that Uncle Matt left Cheez Its in his room unattended and once ate a shoe box but never damaged the sneakers inside. He chewed into the cow manure bags and even tried rock salt.

He was a rascal.

Part of this was the medication he was on, Prednisone, that made a hungry Beagle even more hungry. But he needed that medication to breathe.

I’m going to miss my buddy. I already do. It’s time to file away his nicknames: Little dude, the Bagel, Oscario, Osky, Oscar Meyer Weiner.

Over the last few months I did notice that sometimes he would ask to go outside and once he finished his business ….. he would just sit there with his Beagle ears blowing in the wind. I would wonder what he was thinking. I think he was tired. I think he was pondering how much longer he could do this. I don’t think he was happy with what was happening to his body. Last night he just decided he had had enough.

I’m sorry I wasn’t there my friend. I would have hugged you all night. You always knew when I was hurting and would snuggle in just right. Thank you for the time you spent in my life. Thank you for the fun and the purpose that this blog gave me. Rest and breathe easy now.

I love you my friend.

16 responses to “Woof Wednesday- Special”

  1. Patricia L. Jason Avatar

    Pete. Pricilla and family. our sympathy on the loss of Oscar. Thank you so much for sharing him with us and letting us love him too. We looked forward to the weekly blogs and will miss them too.

  2. Pauline M. Graviel Avatar
    Pauline M. Graviel

    I am so sorry for the loss of your little boy Oscar. I know he will always be watching over you and your family. R.I.P Oscar

  3. Anne K. Branchaud Avatar
    Anne K. Branchaud

    Sorry for your loss, I miss him already. I hope he can find his twin at the rainbow bridge his name was Uno. Just think they will be able to run and play forever now. πŸ’”πŸ’”

  4. Anne K. Branchaud Avatar
    Anne K. Branchaud

    Sorry for your loss, I miss him already. I hope he can find his twin at the rainbow bridge his name was Uno. Just think they will be able to run and play forever now. πŸ’”πŸ’”

  5. Peg Britton Avatar
    Peg Britton

    Dear Pete and family.
    I am so sorry to hear about Oscar’s passing…such a sweet dog and full of life and mischief;>)…his stories always made us smile and were always something to look forward to reading about.. I am sure in time all these memories will make your family smile also..I will surely miss him.

    1. Sue Avatar

      Dear Pete and family, I am so sorry for your loss. It’s so very hard to loose a part of the family. Oscar touched many lives in addition to your own. Oscar had a way with words and Pete just typed them out. Oscar you were loved by a great family and gave love right back. Rest easy now.

  6. Denise Wood Avatar
    Denise Wood

    I’m so sorry cuz…he was a rascal but he was an awesome dog. I will so miss Woof Wednesday. I’ll never forget my babysitting days for the boys and how they’d try to snuggle at the back.of my knees…I’m sure Baxter is going to miss his buddy…RIP my Oscar….

  7. Russ Chamberlain Avatar
    Russ Chamberlain

    Dear Pete: So sorry to read of Oscar’s passing from his temporary home to his eternal home where he will be waiting on that day that your journey of faith takes you across the threshold and Oscar and others will be there to show you the room Jesus and others prepared for you. I believe the loss of a dog is such a great loss to us all because they have that love that is based on the love we receive from God (Could that be the reason they were named dog because that is God spelled backwards?) Always pondered that now you can to. Let me know if you get the answer. You will be in my thoughts ( you always are)) and my prayers (the good news is God knows who I am talking about when I lift you up) Take care I will truly miss you articles on Oscar.

    1. Anne Brachaud Avatar
      Anne Brachaud

      Oscar is in my prayers at night. Hope he is running over and around the Rainbow bridge.🌈🌈🌈

  8. Kathy Goes Avatar
    Kathy Goes

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss Pete. Our pets are our family. I felt like I knew Oscar and so enjoyed reading about his antics on Woof Wednesdays. I am especially sorry that you couldn’t be there with him but he knew you loved him and I know he loved you. Condolences to the whole family.

  9. Steve Paiva Avatar
    Steve Paiva

    Nothing but nothing can compare to the unconditional love of our pets! I weep for you today my friend and Oscar will be running now on the other side of The Rainbow Bridge with a wagging tail and ears flapping in the wind and breathing effortlessly!

    1. Gloria Baker Avatar
      Gloria Baker

      I am so sorry to hear of your loss of Oscar.He will never be forgotten as he gave us all a lot of love and laughter.My deepest sympathy.

  10. Carole mahaney Avatar
    Carole mahaney

    We’re so sorry Pete πŸ˜•! We’ve gone through this and it’s incredibly difficult. Your love for Oscar and his for you can never be denied . He was indeed family. My he Rest In Peace and you also find peace and carry on. Liam needs you πŸ₯°

    1. Nancy Brasells Avatar
      Nancy Brasells

      I am so sorry to read this. I am crying for the void being left by the passing of such a sweet soul. Beagles are the best. Rest In Peace Oscar.

  11. Judith Avatar

    My ❀️ Is broken for you and for me. Oscar/you brought me smiles and laughter through difficult times. Our fur babies 🐢 are gifts from God, and then He calls them home. We were blessed to have these angels for a time. πŸ˜‡ Now, Oscar will romp & cause happy chaos in doggie heaven. πŸ˜€

  12. Dorothy Avatar

    So sorry about Oscar .I really enjoyed his columns. It is so difficult to lose one of our fur babies .Hang in PETE we are all with you .😍😍😍😍β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️

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