The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Adapt and Adjust

This is not exactly how we planned it.

The plan was for me to come down to Virginia Beach to take care of my grandson once my daughter went back to work. It would give me something to do and I like to think it was easier for her to leave a, at the time, 4-month-old with a family member.

We planned for me to fly home every now and then and for Grammy to come down about once a month to see her little guy. Oh yeah, and me.

Then the virus hit.

My children all have reduced workloads but they’re all considered essential so they still have some work. My Grampnanny skills are only needed about once a week but I don’t dare go home in case they need me or I can’t get back.

As for trips home, I was scheduled to go back around May 16th for my daughter Kat’s graduation from Bridgewater State University but now that’s been postponed. The University president insists they will get their ceremony but we have no idea when that will be. And the plan for Grammy to come down every month? Well lets just say that is on hold as well.

I don’t know when I’ll be home. Of course my other responsibilities back in Massachusetts are a bit delayed. You can’t really tape a TV show called “Classroom Chronicle ” when no one is in a classroom and it could be awhile before we have any high school sports.

What a weird time. I find myself wondering how long it will be before the first Carona Virus movie? Who gets to play Dr. Fauci?

I read an email from my minister this week about the plans for Holy Week. Yeah, that’s next week! I am happy that my minister, Rev. Bette McClure, is providing a YouTube service for us for Palm Sunday and Easter. Gotta adapt!

Happy Palm Sunday by the way! I have memories of Palm Sunday going back to my brother and I having sword fights with the palms while we were sitting in a pew with mom. I’m sure she was so proud.

Holy Week was always special for me. We would go from the joy of Palm Sunday to a somber Maundy Thursday service marking the Last Supper. For years I sang an accapella number, “They Came and They Led Him Away.” That was followed by Good Friday and then the joy of Easter morning.

The Pastor’s email said, “This year Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter will be very different than usual. We will not gather in our sanctuary to wave palms and call out hosanna. We will not share in a time of communion and prayer on Maundy Thursday. Crowds will not gather at Fort Phoenix to watch the sun rise and celebrate the resurrection on Easter morning. And we will not gather in a sanctuary arrayed with colorful flowers to celebrate and sing together. Instead, we will be closed in our houses so that we might be safe and might help others to be safe also.”

To be honest, I haven’t made it to a sunrise service in years but I know plenty who go. And I always enjoyed the church filled with flowers and everyone in the bright spring colors. And there would even be a few Easter bonnets.

So this year will be different. We’ll adjust like we always do. I can’t imagine where we would be if we didn’t have FaceTime or this Zoom app. And thank God for church on YouTube!

Maybe you’ll find time to read the story of Holy Week while you quarantine at home. It might bring a deeper understanding for you.

Look at me, “Mr. Look- On- The -Bright- Side.” Maybe I’ve been quarantined too long.

3 responses to “Adapt and Adjust”

  1. Patricia L. Jason Avatar

    Thanks for this inspiring article-yes, we will all miss attending our places of worship this Easter Sunday morning and seeing all the children and adults with their Easter finery, but thank goodness we can bring the services up on our computers. Happy Easter to all.

  2. Melanie Avatar

    Hang in there and bless you and your family! 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. Peg Britton Avatar
    Peg Britton

    Hi Pete,
    Yes, we have all had to adapt…absolutely no one is immune to the changes that has challenged everyone in his/her daily lives. Thankfully, technology has really helped people to stay in touch and adapt to our current way of life …
    Anyway, a healthy, Happy Easter to all.

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