I took a vacation and came home yesterday. Kat and Matt are on Spring Break and they went down to Virginia Beach to see their sibs and their nephew. They also said they’d take care of Liam for me so that I could come home for the first time in two months.
It’s good to be home.
The first thing is it’s nice to get, and give, a hug to Priscilla. You just can’t do that with FaceTime. I tried. Ended up disconnecting the call.
It’s good to sleep in my own bed and to see my boys! Oscar and Baxter were happy to see me yesterday. They barked and jumped. Well mostly Baxter. Oscar wanted to know if I still knew where the cookies were.
There’s no place like home. You know where things are. You can easily find your “stuff.” You know where everything is in your kitchen and you know where to park when you go to the store or church and you know which pew to sit in.
I think Sarah and I blew it one week. We were walking into the church in Virginia Beach when I decided to sit in a certain pew. I didn’t know any better. No one was sitting there so I just sat down. Wouldn’t you know it, a lovely older lady came in a few minutes later and stopped. Someone asked her if she was alright and she said, “Yes. I’m just trying to figure out if I want to be closer or further back.” We were in her pew! The old New Englander in me felt guilty, like I should have been taken out and flogged!
I am enjoying my time in Virginia. Liam is so cute and I really enjoy when he discovers something new. I just love to watch his face as he discovers something even when it’s basic like his sneaker or my hat. He loves my watch and he keeps trying to get my cellphone.
It’s also great spending time with my two oldest children. They’ve grown up on me. They have their lives, spouses, pets, and houses. I don’t get to spend as much time with them when I’m back at home.
It’s fun exploring new restaurants, coffee shops, even grocery stores. There’s just something about coming home. It’s nice, warm and familiar. I’ll be leaving for Virginia again soon and my little buddy but I return to Massachusetts again in May.
We live in a special place here on the Southcoast. Sure we have our problems but so does everyone else. I watch WAVY News 10 in Virginia Beach and they have their share of crime stories. My kids tell me where the problem spots are around Norfolk and Portsmouth.
When I was younger I used to hear my mom or my uncle’s say, “It’s always good to come back home,” and I would think, “What? This place?” I guess the older you get the more you see how wonderful it really is.
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