The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

The A,B,C’s of Thankfulness

Like many people, but probably not enough, I go to church most Sundays. I say “most” because I am guilty of sleeping in occasionally, especially if the weather is bad, the roads are icy or I got a horrible night’s sleep.

This past Sunday I was determined to be there even though the weather made it incredibly tempting to turn off the alarm, roll over and avoid the rain. I am a member of the choir and we were doing a beautiful number called “Blessings Abound” and I had agreed to be the Lay Reader. Surprisingly, I hadn’t done that much in the three years since my stroke and I’m glad to say I nailed it! Even correctly pronouncing “Deuteronomy.”

Priscilla and I are members of the First Congregational Church in Fairhaven where Rev. Bette McClure has been the minister for years. I enjoy Rev. Bette’s sermons and usually walk away every week with something to think about.

This past Sunday was “Thanksgiving Sunday” so of course that was the topic of her sermon. It was titled, “Thanksgiving First” and she started with some tidbits about the Pilgrims and Plymouth. She even pointed out that while she was talking about the first Thanksgiving, she purposely titled it “Thanksgiving First” because we should always remember that that is the reason for the day….to give thanks…first. Before the turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie and football.

The thing I walked away with was when she told us that during the past week she had made a list of the alphabet and tried to name something she was thankful for using every letter. She said it was not as easy as you’d think and wished us good luck with the letter “X.”

I tried it and encourage you to give a shot as well. Come up with something you are thankful for starting at “A” and going all the way to “Z.” I won’t take up your time by listing all of my choices but I will share a few.

Of course, “D, K, M and S” were taken by my children’s names: Doug, Kathryn, Matthew and Sarah. “P” was obviously for Priscilla. Oh and “X?” Well for me that was “Xrays” as I have had plenty that helped to find problem areas.

“Q?” Well after much deliberation I decided to go with my favorite fast food purchase which is the “Quarter pounder with cheese.” Hey! I’m thankful for it.

It was a neat little exercise and found me thinking of all kinds of things and people and events from the past. I even went back and tried to think of three for every letter. Yeah, I’m kinda stuck on “Q, X and Z.” I’ve run out of options after “Zoo” and the “Zeiterion Theater.”

I always say that we can find something if we stop and count our blessings. Some years are easier than others. Why don’t you give this a try?

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