The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Why Can’t We Agree To Disagree Anymore?

I think I know why.

I had a terrific day on the 4th of July just sitting on the beach and enjoying the breeze. That was followed by some burgers on the grill and watching fireworks.

While I was at the beach, my friend sat down next to me and we talked about all different things but then he told me about someone who recently tried to goad him into a political discussion.

I wasn’t sure if “goad” was the right word so I looked it up.

“GOAD – to provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate some action or reaction.”

Yup, that fits.

My friend, let’s just call him Eduardo, is a Republican. He always has been and probably always will be. He told me that recently someone walked up to him and said, “So, how about that Trump guy!” Eduardo just didn’t want to get into it and I don’t blame him.

Eduardo is a nice guy. Just because he votes a certain way doesn’t mean I’m going to think more of him or less of him.

We started talking about how polarized people are and how some just can’t wait to argue. I told him that I can’t believe people are losing friendships over this. You’ve known someone for years and now you’re going to end your relationship just because you disagree on politics?

What’s next? My daughter married a Yankee fan so I should write her out of my Will?

I recently posted something on Twitter, I can’t even remember what it was for, but I think it was something about the Mueller Report. I was immediately called a “libtard” who “probably didn’t even read the report.” This after someone had probably read three lines of text.

How do you even THINK you know me?

I responded that I don’t consider myself a “libtard” and yes, I DID read the report. That wasn’t enough for the Tweeter who kept coming after me. I ended by saying, “You have your opinion, I have mine. That’s what makes this country great. Have a nice day.”

That was the last time I made a political comment.

That’s one reason I stay away from politics in my blogging. You can’t win and I’d rather stay away from the hostility. Who needs the stress?

I was thinking about a Bishop Stang student that I interviewed this spring. He was a member of the debate team and loved it. I wonder what the future of debate teams will be like after a generation has grown up with Twitter?

I told you at the start that I think I know why we can’t seem to agree to disagree. It’s social media. It’s so easy to sit behind a keyboard or take out your phone and type out something you may not say face-to-face. It’s easy to be rude or vulgar and when it gets to be too much, I’ll just block you or unfriend you. TAKE THAT!

It was Evelyn Beatrice Hall who wrote: “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”

I think we all need a reminder of that.

In the meantime, I’ll continue to hang out with Eduardo. We’ll watch cute puppy videos on our phones.

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